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Food Webs Within Ecosystems

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1 Food Webs Within Ecosystems
Marine, Freshwater, and Terrestrial FOOD WEBS

2 Ecosystems An ecosystem is a community of organisms interacting with one another and their environment. An ecosystem includes all biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic Factors – All living things Plants, animals, fungi and bacteria Abiotic Factors – All nonliving things Water, land, light, temperature and soil composition.

3 Marine Ecosystems Oceans

4 Freshwater Ecosystems
Lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and aquifers

5 Terrestrial Ecosystems
Forests, Deserts, Grasslands, Mountains

6 A habitat is a place where an organism lives.

7 Population A population is a group of individuals of the same species that live in a certain area.

8 Community A community is all of the populations that live and interact with each other in an area.

9 Niche A niche is the role of an organism within it’s community.
Includes what it eats, when it eats and where it lives. Coral, plankton, fish

10 Food Chain A food chain shows how the energy in food is passed from organism to organism in an ecosystem.

11 Food Web A food web is a combination of all the overlapping food chains in an ecosystem.

12 Producers Producers are organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis. Examples – plants, algae and plankton

13 Consumers Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms to obtain food for energy.

14 There are 3 Types of Consumers
Herbivores – Animals that only eat plants Omnivores – Animals that eat plants and other animals Carnivores – Animals that only eat other animals (meat)

15 Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer Tertiary Consumer

16 Predator/Prey Relationships
Predator – Organism that eats another organism Prey – Organism that is eaten by the predator

17 Parasite/Host Relationships
Parasite – organism that feeds off other living creatures Fleas, Ticks, Worms, Lice, etc. Host – organism on which the parasite is feeding. Always bad for host!

18 Decomposers A decomposer is an organism that gets their energy by breaking down dead organisms.

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