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CANADA’S POLITICAL PARTIES CHV2OH - CIVICS. CANADA’S MAJOR FEDERAL POLITICAL PARTIES NDP Bloc Quebecois Green Progressive Conservatives Liberal Conservatives.

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2 CANADA’S MAJOR FEDERAL POLITICAL PARTIES NDP Bloc Quebecois Green Progressive Conservatives Liberal Conservatives Reform Alliance CENTRELEFT RIGHT

3 QUICK FACTS Canadian politics is generally divided between right and left, in the Anglo-American tradition. Canada's government has historically operated under a two-party system, in which the centre-right Conservative Party alternates with the centre-left Liberal Party. Since the 1990s, the Canadian party system has shown signs of instability, with new parties arising and winning seats in Parliament. Canada's provinces generally have the same political parties as the federal government.

4 Founded during the Great Depression as the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF); became the NDP in 1961 Originally a socialist party that was seen as “fringe” or “radical” Increased seats in Parliament from 37 to 102 in the 2011 federal election Today, the NDP is not socialist, but is the most left- wing of Canada’s parties, both economically and socially NOTABLE NDP-ERS Tommy Douglas Jack Layton Thomas Mulcair Father of socialized medicine Credited with the increased support for the NDP in the 2011 election CURRENT LEADER

5 Founded in 1990 Main issue is separatism Because they only have candidates in Quebec, they can never lead the government Left-wing (similar to NDP) on most issues Went from 49 to 4 seats after 2011 federal election NOTABLE BLOCS Lucien Bouchard Gilles Duceppe Mario Beaulieu Party founder Party leader from 1997-2011 CURRENT LEADER

6 Founded in 1983; first MP elected in 2011 Originally focused solely on environmental awareness Today has a broader focus and markets itself as a “non-ideological” solution for frustrated voters NOTABLE GREENS Trevor Hancock Jim Harris Elizabeth May First leader of the Green Party Party leader from 2003-2006 During his time as leader, the Greens increased their support from Canadian voters CURRENT LEADER

7 Longest-running political party in Canada Late 19 th and early 20 th century values included free markets, personal responsibility, tolerant relations between French and English Canadians After World War II, became more left-wing, advocating more active government, multiculturalism, bilingualism, internationalism, social equality Maintained a steady hold on the prime minister’s office for most of the 1990s, but declined rapidly in popularity starting in the early 2000s Conservative with money, progressive with social issues NOTABLE LIBERALS William Lyon Mackenzie King Pierre Trudeau Lester B. Pearson Justin Trudeau Longest-serving Prime Minister in Canadian history (22 years) Prevented Quebec sovereignty Charter of Rights and Freedoms Multiculturalism and social progressivism Won the Nobel Peace Prize Universal health care, student loans, Canada Pension Plan CURRENT LEADER

8 Founded in 2003, when Progressive Conservative and Reform Alliance parties merged Historically associated with loyalty to English culture, imperialism, traditionalism During the 1980s, Progressive Conservative Party called for lower taxes, deregulation (less government control of business), and privatization of government services Reform Alliance felt Progressive Conservatives were “not Conservative enough”—were more right-wing Parties merged to avoid vote-splitting The current Conservative Party favours low taxes, less active government, law-and-order, and a strong military—is officially neutral on social issues NOTABLE CONSERVATIVES John A. MacDonald Brian Mulroney John Diefenbaker Stephen Harper First Prime Minister of Canada Established a free trade agreement with the US Introduced GST Civil Rights advocate Gained support from Western provinces for the party CURRENT LEADER

9 ONTARIO’S POLITICAL PARTIES Provincial parties align with the federal parties on most issues. Big issues in the most recent provincial election were the economy and transit.

10 HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT POLITICAL PARTIES’ VIEWS? Get out your phone (or tablet or laptop) and go to

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