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Vocabulary Unit 1 For the following vocabulary words, write down the definition and part of speech.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit 1 For the following vocabulary words, write down the definition and part of speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit 1 For the following vocabulary words, write down the definition and part of speech

2 Admonish (V.) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty Synonyms: warn, call on the carpet Antonyms: praise, pat on the back

3 Breach (n.) an opening, gap, rupture, rift; a violation or infraction; (v.) to create an opening, break through Antonyms: (v.) close, seal

4 Brigand (n.) a bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman

5 Circumspect (adj.) careful, cautious Synonyms: way, prudent, guarded Antonyms: incautious, rash, reckless, heedless

6 Commandeer (v.) to seize for military or official use Synonyms: take over, requisition, expropriate

7 Cumbersome (adj.) Clumsy, hard to handle; slow moving Synonyms: unwieldy, ponderous Antonyms: manageable, easy to handle

8 Deadlock (n.) a standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal forces of fractions; (v.) to bring to such a standstill

9 Debris (n.) scattered fragments, wreckage Synonyms: rubble, detritus, flotsam and jetsam

10 Diffuse (v.) to spread or scatter freely or widely; (adj.) wordy, longwinded, or unfocused; scattered or widely spread Synonyms: (v.) disperse; (adj.) rambling, verbose Antonyms: (v.) concentrate; (adj.) brief, concise, succinct

11 Dilemma (n.) difficulty or perplexing situation or problem Synonyms: predicament, quandary, pickle, bind Antonyms: cinch

12 Efface (v.) to wipe out; to keep oneself from being noticed Synonyms: blot out, erase, obliterate, expunge

13 Muddle (v.) to make a mess of; muddle through: to get by; (n.) a hopeless mess Synonyms: (v.) jumble, mess up; (n.) confusion, disorder Antonyms: (n.) orderliness, tidiness, neatness

14 Predispose (v.) to incline to beforehand Synonyms: make susceptible Antonyms: immunize against, shield from

15 Relinquish (v.) to let go, give up Synonyms: surrender, abandon Antonyms: hold on to, keep, retain, cling to

16 Spasmodic (adj.) sudden and violent but brief; fitful; intermittent Synonyms: irregular, occasional Antonyms: steady, continuous

17 Spurious (adj.) not genuine, not true, not valid Synonyms: false, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus Antonyms: genuine, authentic, bona fide, valid

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