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EOA 12: OPERATION BAGATRATION Soviet Operation Art in WWII, Deep Ops Strategic Objectives: Liberate Russian Territory Land Grab for post war buffer zone.

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Presentation on theme: "EOA 12: OPERATION BAGATRATION Soviet Operation Art in WWII, Deep Ops Strategic Objectives: Liberate Russian Territory Land Grab for post war buffer zone."— Presentation transcript:

1 EOA 12: OPERATION BAGATRATION Soviet Operation Art in WWII, Deep Ops Strategic Objectives: Liberate Russian Territory Land Grab for post war buffer zone in Europe Defeat the Germans on Russian terms - Army Center - get to Berlin. Isolate the German army group north in the Baltics. Set conditions for Russian success against Army Group South. Operational Objectives: Overpowering localized systemic shock (UDAR) against Army Group Center Encircle Minsk & establish a Base of Ops for future offensive missions, Set conditions to move on Warsaw and the Baltics Problem Statement: How do I: Destroy German Army Center and Advance to the Vistula River on the border Poland and eastern Prussia IOT: Liberate Belorussia, Establish conditions to strike the interior of Germany Given: multiple armies (1.2 mill to start, ended with 2.5 Million) ARTY, ARMOR, Air combined arms team working in deep operations against Germans Against: German Army Center, North at end Duration: 4-5 months before winter. Consideration: Weather – Colder is better for ARMOR, Terrain – Tank country, swamps and MTNs. A 5 phase operation that seeks to liberate Belorussia through the defeat of the central German Army IOT liberate Belorussia and position Soviet forces for future follow on operations along the Vistula river. The Operational Framework is the Deep Close and Security using cyclic phasing of Preparation, Shaping, Penetration, Exploitation, and Encirclement to achieve initial, intermediate and final objectives. DEEP: Aviation RECON support, Partisan operations, and exploitation of penetration with ARMOR & MECH to push through CLOSE: ARTY and CAS Support to Ground forces, Infantry and Combined arms would secure a foothold and allow the Deep penetration forces to pass through the lines and disrupt German operations. SECURITY: Intel, OPSEC, and Deception operations as well as WAS with economy of force forces in the rear area on their way to the front, or after recycling off of front. The following are the 5 PHASES which are cyclic. f 0 – Preparation - Deception OPS, good OPSEC, and partisan support, resupply of forward troops and reorganization of penetration force. 1- SHAPING - Aviation, rocket, and ARTY prep and reconnaissance of German defensive positions 2 - PENETRATION - Echeloned attacks by the INF to allow for the penetration of ARMOR and MECH forces 3- EXPLOITATION - Complete the penetration and continue a deep attack against multiple lines of German defense. 4- ENCIRCLEMENT - Rout of German DEF forces though systemic shock (UDAR) throughout the depth of the battlefield, assisted by Hitler's order to not give up cities which denied his generals freedom of maneuver.

2 EOA 12: OPERATION BAGATRATION Soviet Operation Art in WWII, Deep Ops Operational Elements Tempo: Focus on gaining ground and establishing penetration with INF and then exploit gains with Armored forces, Bypass strong points of resistance with Armor and allow your INF to fight them later, or just envelop them, Coordinate with other Fronts and Operations to prevent reinforcement, massed pressure on whole German line. Depth: Partisan attack on German transportation networks, Massive bombing and ARTY barrage prior to the SP of the Main Body. Rapid penetration by Armor into German Rear areas, Harassment of retreating German forces by Air, Arty and Partisans. Operational Reach: Stages and Phasing of offensives based on the limits of sustainment, and planning an operational pause before culmination, envelopment of key transport nodes to allow for further reach of sustainment operations. Risks: If the deception plan fails then there will be a larger number of casualties as the Germans will be able to mass against attacks. Possible to over extend lines and be unable to re-supply penetration forces. Opportunity: If deception works then success, Possible to defeat German army center, Cut-off German army North in the Baltics, and achieve a more direct route to Berlin for post war. Culmination: initially at the Polish border, can push but need to have pauses for resupply after each push/attack to ensure tanks do not culminate. German Army Group Center Operational Problem & Framework: How do I: defend Belarusian against Russian attack, IOT Retain terrain, (cities, river, bridges) Given, 800,000 troops, against: 2.3-2.6 Million on 5 fronts. Duration, until Winter. DO: local counterattack s to re-establish or maintain the front lines and deny Russian Advance SO: Counter partisan OPS, Defensive counter air, Prep of defense in depth at rivers and cities. SU: Reallocation of resources between German Armies on Easter front (North, Center, South) RISKs: initially – economy of force mission in center – lead to fortress mentality in cities OPP: Initially – maximize the probability of CATK in depth, lead to hold of Key Terrain Protracted defense, need to sequence actions to allow for massing and CATK options. Rigid planning methods and higher level leadership lead to inflexible tactical options; failure

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