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Welcome to 5 th grade’s Parent Orientation Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5 th grade’s Parent Orientation Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5 th grade’s Parent Orientation Night

2 Communication Team Web-site and Canvas Contact the Teacher… through e-mail or call the school office. Expectation Cards—please look at these daily. Missing work, late work, and work habits will be noted. Trackers---look at these daily...if we have a change in our schedule, it will be noted in the tracker. Wednesday Folders—please review all contents in the Wednesday folder—please sign and return all necessary paperwork, including the expectation card. Parent Conferences in fall

3 Grading and Reporting Students will be notified well in advance of tests that occur in content areas. Grades can be monitored by accessing the KATYISD web- site/Home Access Center HAC—Parent settings Grading Percentages: 15% Homework 40% Daily work, Quizzes, DLA 45% Tests, Projects **Note difference from 4 th Grade LATE WORK will be noted daily on the expectation card. Grading of late/incomplete class work, HW, and projects will be in accordance with the KISD policy. 1 day late-10 pts. 2 days late-20 pts. 3 days late-30 pts. 4 + days lateZero

4 Retest/Reteach Procedures At OKE we are in agreement at all grade levels to offer an opportunity to retest on assignments that are considered major grades in grades 1 – 5 as outlined in the GRHB. Compositions and projects will not be included in this retest/reteach policy. The opportunity to retest will be within one (1) – five (5) days at the teacher’s discretion. The retest will be administered once an opportunity for reteach has taken place. The option of retesting orally will be at the teacher’s discretion. Reteach will occur in one of two ways; either during tutorial time (Koalaty Time) or during small group instructional time. Any grade level teacher or support teacher may perform the reteach or administer the retest. At this time only one retest will be afforded to a student per major test grade. In grades 1 – 4, a major test grade is any grade that is weighted two times in the major category. In grade 5, a major test grade is any test grade in the major category, not a project grade. We will average the original and retest grades and limit the highest passing grade entered in the gradebook to 70%. In the event that the retest grade is lower than the original grade, the original grade will be taken. Teachers are encouraged to have a minimum of one (1) major test grade, as described above, recorded prior to the interim progress report.

5 Homework Homework will be used to enrich or reinforce objectives covered in class. Homework counts as 15% of the nine weeks grade. The schedule for homework will be as follows: Monday Math, Science & SS/ELA Tuesday Math & Science Wednesday Math & SS/ELA Thursday Math & Science **Students will be expected to read one novel per nine weeks. **Reading or ELA homework will be assigned Monday and is due Friday. **All students are expected to study math weekly. **Students are expected to study Science vocabulary weekly. **Check Canvas weekly.

6 Odds and Ends Absences Transportation Changes Visitors Medications Principal’s Night Out-Criteria

7 ELA/Social Studies Curriculum Students will read various fiction novels and non-fiction articles throughout the year that will integrate Social Studies and LA. Small group, large group, and peer group settings will be utilized to discuss the novels. Students will be required to read a novel of their choice independently (school and/or home) each 9 weeks. The novel must be brought to class daily for independent reading opportunities. Social Studies: American History- Colonization (1600’s) through Civil Rights Movement (1960) to present. There will be approximately two Social Studies tests per nine weeks. Junior Achievement volunteers will be needed in the 4 th nine weeks for JA in a Day and the 3 rd nine weeks for Biz Town. Word study, grammar, and the writing process will be incorporated into the ELA and Social Studies curriculum.

8 Math Curriculum Assessments—Quiz or Test weekly Homework- Monday thru Thursday Review ISN-NIGHTLY and student workbook Fast Facts-Calendar (30 min. per week) All math work must be completed in pencil, and students must show ALL WORK to receive FULL CREDIT. **STUDY, STUDY, STUDY**

9 Science We will have hands on labs 1-3 times a week. Please regularly check Canvas for needed items for upcoming labs, tests, study materials, and calendar events. Science homework will be assigned 2-3 times a week. Science spiral is assembled for students to use as a study tool for assessments. They are expected to bring these to class daily and home daily to use as a study guide. Students will typically have a vocabulary quiz, test or some form of assessment each week. Science vocabulary is an integral part of 5 th grade science. New vocabulary will be added weekly and should be studied nightly.

10 Showing Strategies in 5 th grade Expected in all subject areas. Students will have the expected criteria glued into spirals as a reference. There is a “grace period” as they learn the expectations. By the 3 rd week, expectation cards will be documented when strategies are not shown. This mark will fall under the ‘Incomplete Classwork/Homework’ category. How I show my Strategies (Q-R-E’s): Q – Determine what is the question asking. R – Identify/prove the reason a particular answer choice is wrong. E – Identify/prove the evidence why you chose the correct answer.

11 Technology devices are to be used for educational purposes only, as approved by the teacher. Technology

12 Thank you for coming to Parent Orientation Night!

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