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The Third Quarter By: Mrs. Gehrt.

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Presentation on theme: "The Third Quarter By: Mrs. Gehrt."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Third Quarter By: Mrs. Gehrt

2 Teacher Creed As your teacher, I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping me from teaching for any reason whatsoever. As your teacher, I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping another student from learning for any reason whatsoever. As your teacher, I will not tolerate any student in this classroom doing anything that is not in your best interest or the best interest of the class.

3 Teacher Creed As your teacher, I am a member of this classroom; there are two things you never do with me: 1. No Manipulations 2. Never question my management system while I am teaching.

4 Rules Consequences (Steps) 1 Follow Directions.
Verbal Warning, name in log, student signs log, PAC 2 Be seated BEFORE the bell rings. Above, seat change or last one out (my choice), PAC 3 Come to class prepared. Above, parent involvement, PAC 4 CONTROL YOURSELF: Inside voices, keep hands and feet to yourself, no swearing, name calling, harassing, or bullying. Above, held for one minute after class, PAC 5 OUTLAWED ITEMS: Keep cell phones off, hats, coats, jackets, food, drinks, electronics, backpacks, hair products, etc.- OUT OF SIGHT. Above, referral, PAC (PAC= Parent, Administrator, Counselor)

5 Classroom Procedure IN and OUT Log
On your way out PRINT CLEARLY --Your name --ID number --The date --Time out --Period number --Reason or destination 2. When you return PRINT CLEARLY --Return Time

6 Classroom Procedure Sitting
Sit facing forward. Keep your legs/feet/belongings under the desk. Keep your head off of the desk.

7 Classroom Procedure Buddy Room
Go to the Buddy Room (no argument). Go directly to seat. Do not respond to other students. Work on assignment. Return to class after ten minutes.

8 Classroom Procedure Pre-Dismissal
Last 3-5 minutes of class Low Voice Level Check for assignments. See Mrs. Gehrt if… Tardy Name in behavior log Absent previous day

9 Classroom Procedure Gum Chewing
Do not pop or snap gum. Do not blow bubbles with gum. If gum can be seen or heard it needs to go in the trash.

10 Classroom Procedure Substitute
Stay in seat assigned seat AT ALL TIMES. Follow all instructions given by the sub. Follow all classroom procedures as usual. Any students whose names are left by the sub will automatically go to Step 3 in the behavior log.

11 Tardy Policy First Tardy Second Tardy Third Tardy Warning
Conference with student 30 seconds after class Parent Contact Referral to Dean (the result is at least the remainder of that period plus 1 period in ISS)

12 BE Prepared Please come to class with the proper materials. You need:
Your ID Your Binder (with paper) Pen or Pencil

13 Absences If you are absent for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the work. If you do not get your work the first day you are back from being out it will be entered as a zero. You have the number of days you’re absent plus one day to make-up your work. REMEMBER: IF YOU ARE EVER ABSENT, SEE ME AT PRE DISSMISSAL THE FIRST DAY YOUR ARE BACK!!!

14 Grading Policy Students can earn points for tests, quizzes, daily work (done in class and at home), projects and participation. Below is the breakdown of how their grades will be weighted. 40%= tests, quizzes, formal projects and presentations 25%= daily citizenship and participation (punctuality, class work, oral participation). Disruptions will negatively impact the citizenship and participation grade. 25%= Bell Ringers and homework. Students must be present and ready to complete the bell ringers and must complete any assigned homework. 10%= organized binder, with proper sections labeled as explained above. Binder will be checked informally as needed and formally checked every 9 weeks. Students must demonstrate organizational skills in order to receive full credit.

15 If you have questions, see Mrs. Gehrt ASAP!

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