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The Employee of the 21 st Century Part II Do you have what it takes?

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Presentation on theme: "The Employee of the 21 st Century Part II Do you have what it takes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Employee of the 21 st Century Part II Do you have what it takes?

2 I view computers as: A. An important tool B. A necessary evil C. …I don’t want anything to do with them

3 If I need to learn a new procedure on the computer, I A. Get out my manual and figure out how to do it B. Get help from someone who knows what to do C. Give up…it takes too much time and I didn’t want to do it anyway

4 I think of technology as: A. Something we all need to know and understand B. …I don’t think about it much C. Unnecessary—I don’t need these new gadgets

5 When I get my diploma at graduation, I’ll probably think: A. This is really just the beginning of my education B. About what I’m going to do now C. Thank goodness, no more school

6 When I have a question about something, I: A. Look up the answer on the Internet or call someone who should know B. Make a mental note to keep my eyes open for the answer C. Forget about it—it probably wasn’t important anyway

7 I think of change: A. As an opportunity B. With caution C. With resistance

8 If, halfway through a project, it becomes apparent that my plan for completing it won’t work, I would: A. Rethink my plan and come up with a better one B. Worry about the project and hope to come up with a better plan someday C. Lose interest and scrap the project

9 When I’m around people from other cultures: A. I appreciate their diversity. B. I’m curious—but cautious C. …I am uncomfortable with people who are not like me.

10 The idea of traveling to other countries: A. Sounds exciting to me B. Is of some interest to me C. Does not interest me at all

11 Learning at least one other language: A. Is important for everyone B. Is probably a good idea C. Is unnecessary—I can get by speaking only English

12 Scoring Rules:  Give yourself 3 points for every “A” answer, 2 points for every “B,” and 1 point for every “C” answer.  If your total score is 20-30, you have the attitudes that will make you a valued employee in the 21 st century.

13 Looking at the questions… Technology Questions  1  2  3 Flexibility  6  7 Lifelong Learner  4  5 International Perspective  8  9  10

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