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Film Narrative.

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1 Film Narrative

2 Elements of Narrative Story and Plot: - Story:
(1) Explicitly presented (diegetic) events (2) Implied events - Plot: (1) Explicitly presented (diegetic) events in certain order (2) Non-diegetic material

3 Diegesis Diegesis: The total world of the story
Diegetic elements: the events, characters, objects, settings, and sounds Nondiegetic elements: things that we see and hear on the screen but that come from outside the world of the story (e.g. background music, titles and credits, voiceover comment from an omniscient narrator)

4 Story Explicitly presented (diegetic)events Implied events Non-diegetic material Plot

5 Order & Events Order of Plot events: Events: Hubs and Satellites
Chronological Non-chronological Events: Hubs and Satellites Hubs: Major events or branching points in the plot structure that force characters to choose b/w or among alternate paths Satellites: Minor plot events that add texture and complexity to characters and elements but are not essential elements

6 Duration Definition: length of time
Story duration: amount of time that the implied story takes to occur Plot duration: elapsed time of those events within the story that the film explicitly presents Screen duration: movie’s running time onscreen

7 Relationships: Story and Plot duration: usually stable (plot event duration = story event it implies) Story and Screen duration Summary relationship: screen duration < story duration Real time relationship: screen duration = story duration Stretch relationship: screen duration > story duration Cinematic time usually  Real time

8 Suspense vs Surprise Surprise: taking unawares
Suspense: anxiety brought on by a partial uncertainty - the end is certain, but the means is uncertain (or sometimes both the results and means known)

9 Frequency Definition: Number of times with which a story element recurs in plot Purpose: Symbols and Metaphors? Memory: Flash-backs and slow-motion Stream-of-consciousness

10 Characters Treatment:
Beings who like “real” people have discernible traits, habits, and dispositions Formal elements that help develop the narrative (stock characters)

11 Types of Characters Complexity: Flat Characters:
one-dimensional one or very few discernible traits predictable behavior Round characters: three-dimensional three-dimensional Several traits, sometimes contradictory Unpredictable behavior

12 Types of Characters Roles Major characters: Minor characters
Protagonist Antagonist Minor characters Marginal characters

13 Determining Character
Traits, motivations (social, economic, ethnic, racial, religious, emotional, or psychological), actions Description by narrator or other characters Style by which actors interpret Natural vs. Probable

14 Setting Definition: time and space in which the story takes place.
Not only date, city, or country, but also provides the character’s social, education, and cultural backgrounds and other identifying factors vital for understanding them such as what they eat and drink Provides implicit explanation for actions or traits normally considered eccentric by providing cultural context

15 Point of View Physical point of view: the position or angle from which the camera or a particular narrator or character observes an event or a scene Mental point of view: the perspective taken by a particular narrator or character in a story in seeing and hearing an even or scene, reflecting on an idea, creating a relationship between two or more things, or remembering events or dreams Beyond camera or the characters

16 Omniscient POV Definition: camera has complete or unlimited perception of what the cinematographer chooses for it to see (most common), however, it does not mean it has to show everything, editing always leaves out aspects of the story and plot

17 Subjective or Restricted POV
Definition: perceptual, subjective point of view of an individual character. Direct POV: character is in the frame and we see what he or she sees Indirect POV: like Direct POV, but is a result at least two consecutive shots achieved by such editing techniques as eyeline-match cut. Interior Monologue

18 Scope Definition: related to duration, setting and POV, it is the overall range, in time and place of the movie’s story

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