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Presentation on theme: "NIHS: EARLY RELEASE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 9.16.15."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s focus activity (5 minutes): 1)go to this padlet (or from Natalie Williams’s ERPD webpage link),padlet 2)post your response to the essential question, and 3)read and reflect on the posts of others.

3 This year, WE PROMISE that all your district-planned ERPD content will align to these 3 simple concepts: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS LESSON DESIGN KNOWING YOUR CONTENT

4 ERPD CONTENT FOR 2015-16: CENTRAL SUPPORT SERVICES HAS LISTENED TO YOUR FEEDBACK. Our goals for your ERPD experience are simple: we want the professional development you receive to be efficient, personalized and practical. Our pledge to you is that we will only bring you information that has evidence to “back it up.”

5 ➜ EFFICIENT: We’re expecting you to incorporate 3 simple things each day. ➜ PERSONALIZED: You choose how you’ll do the 3 things each day from the resources your coaches will provide. You’ll reflect during our October ERPD to determine what’s next. ➜ PRACTICAL: These 3 simple things are easy and require no special training.

6 Let’s get started!

7 Stand at the door. Shake hands. Fist bump. Say, “Hello, John. I’m glad you’re here today!” You decide how.You decide how. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS = Welcome students by name into the classroom.

8 Welcoming students is important for students’ academic achievement. Why?

9 “Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, German writer and scientist “Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” Rita Pierson, educator TED Talks speaker

10 Write it on the board. Post it on your webpage. Essential Question? Solve this problem? Sample exam practice? You decide how.You decide how. Have a STANDARDS-ALIGNED BELL RINGER or warm-up activity posted and ready for the first few minutes of class.

11 Having a #bellringer requires planning and routines. What do those routines look like?

12 “Start your class with effective start-up routines. Start the day or period with an organized routine that includes bell work and other procedures that get the students ready for class. The first few minutes of every class are prime time, so what you do in those first few minutes determines how on-task your students will be for the rest of the period.” Harry and Rosemary Wong, Effective Teaching excerpt

13 Activities are fun, but doing a project only helps if it’s aligned to a learning standard. Choose activities with intention. Plan with the end in mind. Identify student learning objectives FIRST.

14 Kids need to know what they’re going to learn, why they need to learn it, and how they’ll show they’ve learned it. How can you communicate this information to students?

15 “Simply tell students what they will be learning before the lesson begins and you can raise student achievement as much as 27 percent.” from the research of John Hattie, scientist and educator

16 Focus on these 3 things Have a bell ringer ready before class starts Select learning goals FIRST, then select aligned activities Welcome students by name into the classroom

17 OUR FOCUS IS EASY first: welcome second: bell ringer last: aligned activities

18 NOW WHAT? WORK WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES (PLC) ➜ Dig into your Curriculum Guides and shared resources. ➜ Work together to create or identify easy bell ringer activities for your content. ➜ Work together to identify your current learning objective. Then plan standards-aligned activities for supporting your students’ mastery of that learning objective. Finally, PDSA with your students frequently.

19 Thanks! Any questions? You can find us at: Ext. 1405


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