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Conservation Has Value…..Your work.. To our lives, our experiences, and our communities DCNR and the Bureau of State Parks is committed to these values.

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Presentation on theme: "Conservation Has Value…..Your work.. To our lives, our experiences, and our communities DCNR and the Bureau of State Parks is committed to these values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation Has Value…..Your work.. To our lives, our experiences, and our communities DCNR and the Bureau of State Parks is committed to these values

2 What are those Conservation value added benefits?.......... Health Social Benefits Economics Property Values

3 Conservation Values: Urban crime/ child adjudication vs. open space School taxes vs. Increased property values Education Drain vs. people living where they play first, then work!

4 DCNR’s commitment to conservation dates to long ago.

5 Trout Fishing in Linn Run State Park

6 TU Trout in the Classroom

7 Stream Chemistry

8 Collecting Insects

9 Identifying Insects

10 Having some fun

11 Protecting Rare Plants

12 The Pa. Bureau of State Park: Best in the Nation 2009 -2011

13 Pa State Parks Economic Impact to your community: Penn State University 33.6 Million visitors in 2010 Visitors Spent $738 million 10,551 jobs For every $1 tax dollar State Parks return $9 to the Pennsylvania Economy.

14 Laurel Highlands Region State Parks Alone Laurel Mountain, Laurel Summit, and Linn Run State Parks Visitors spent: $6,000,000 in the region through sales In 2010 Jobs created through these venues: Jobs created through these venues:80

15 Add Ohiopyle, Keystone, Laurel Ridge, Kooser and Laurel Hill State Parks The economic impact through visitor spending in 2010 $50.75 million Jobs created in all of Laurel Highlands State Parks: 514


17 Today we work with partnerships with common goals Through the Conservation Landscape Initiative: Heritage Areas, State Parks, State Forests, Chambers, Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau, and Volunteers we…………….

18 Thanks to you: Our Parks and Forests, and Heritage Areas Matter We value your support and input

19 Questions Questions Comments? Thank You

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