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Business School. -Promotes the serious study of food and drink and their place in our cultures -Diminishes the boundaries between food, drink and other.

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Presentation on theme: "Business School. -Promotes the serious study of food and drink and their place in our cultures -Diminishes the boundaries between food, drink and other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business School

2 -Promotes the serious study of food and drink and their place in our cultures -Diminishes the boundaries between food, drink and other cultural forms (literature, music, art) - Engages in public outreach, education, consultancy and events Oxford Gastronomica: the centre for food, drink and culture

3 Business School Public Students Academics Food and drinks industry professionals Outward looking organisation that has wide audience

4 Business School -Satisfy the public hunger for information on food and drinks issues -Engage a wide audience with the other products of Oxford Gastronomica -Primarily public lectures and seminars - Attracts positive PR and strengthens networks Public outreach

5 Business School Education - short courses - MA Food, Wine and Culture

6 Business School External engagement Transylvania – Sustainable tourism development

7 Business School Transylvania - Commune of Biertan - Context -Outstanding natural landscapes -Rich in biodiversity -Distinctive cultural traditions - Subsistence agriculture - Unique architectural heritage

8 Business School Areas of focus - Gastronomic tourism - Architectural restoration

9 Business School Gastronomic tourism - the product - Build a ‘story’ (research by student volunteers) - Generate cultural pride (village workshops) - Create infrastructure (food barn)

10 Business School The challenges - Cultural diversity - Complex political structures - Lack of community engagement - Poor communication between agencies - Lack of skills

11 Business School The tactics - Community engagement – (Transylvania Fest) - Formed over-arching steering committee - Student and ‘expert’ volunteering

12 Business School The lessons - Projects have to have ‘meaning’ for the recipients - Be sensitive to cultural contexts - Form close working alliances - Engage young people and community leaders - ‘Step-by-step’ approach required

13 Business School One of the most significant gastronomic libraries in the world (approx 30,000 texts) Private collections of John Fuller, Jane Grigson, Ken Hom, Prue Leith, National Brewing Library Gastronomic literature

14 Business School Events -to lower the boundaries between food and drink, and literature, art and music - Sunday Times Literary Festival -24 eminent literary contributed to discussions on food and literature - displays much about changing tastes, attitudes to food and drink, and on changing social circumstances

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