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The Rise of the Atlantic Economy Unit 3 Chapters 5.

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1 The Rise of the Atlantic Economy Unit 3 Chapters 5

2 Note to Students This PowerPoint was created using a combination of your textbook as well as other sources/texts. In order to shorten the length of the PPT, I have left out numerous details. – Students are responsible for getting these details from the text and class discussions. I suggest that students print this PPT and use it to take notes from the text, ID Cards, and class discussions.

3 Expansion of the European Economy Age of Exploration leads to expansion of the European economy – Decline of Italy – Rise of Spain, England, France, and Netherlands as economic centers Stimulation of the economy led to – Bills of Exchange – Banking

4 Age of Exploration Portugal and Spain lead the “Age of Exploration” Portuguese Exploration – Henry the Navigator – Bartholomew Dias – Vasco da Gama Spanish Exploration – Christopher Columbus – Conquistadors Hernan Cortes Francisco Pizarro



7 Machu Picchu Built by the Incan Empire

8 The Colonial Economy Europeans established colonies Mercantilism: the colonies were exploited for the benefit of the mother country – Used resources from colonies to increase treasury of gold and silver Haciendas and/or plantations formed for agricultural production – Sugar most important ag. commodity Mines created to extract precious metals – Gold and SILVER (Potosi in S. Am)



11 Population Growth Europe’s population increased in the 16 th century – Increased agricultural production – “Enclosure” led to private property Good for those with land, bad for those without – New food crops from the Americas Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, beans, peppers

12 The Price Revolution Price Revolution – Prices were on the rise in Europe Increase in population led to higher demand for basic necessities Influx of silver from the Americas led to inflation

13 State Building The nations of western Europe begin to develop stronger, more centralized government systems. – Spain – England – France – Netherlands

14 Spain Before 1400’s, Spain was divided into several different kingdoms – Mostly Christian in the Northern areas – Muslims controlled Southern Spain

15 Spain 1469: Ferdinand and Isabella marry to unite most of the Iberian Peninsula – Refer to ID Cards for Chapter 5 “Reconquista” begins Spanish Inquisition


17 Spain Charles V (grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella) controlled a HUGE amount of territory. – Refer to ID Cards for Chapter 3 Charles’ reign – 1519-1556

18 Empire of Charles V

19 Spain In 1556, Charles V abdicated the Hapsburg throne. – His brother, Ferdinand I, took over the HRE – His son, Philip II, assumed the throne of Spain Photo: Philip II

20 Spain Although Spain had the largest empire in Europe and pulled huge quantities of silver out of mines in the Americas, Spain still had money problems – Spent money defending against Ottoman aggression in the Mediterranean Battle of Lepanto (1571) – Spain spent much of its silver buying luxury good from Asia – Price Revolution harmed Spain’s economy

21 Policies of Philip II of Spain Reign of Philip II: 1556-1598 – See the ID Card for Philip II for more information

22 Cultural Achievements in Spain Don Quixote by Cervantes Art: – El Greco

23 France Bourbon Family – Replaced the Valois as the ruling family – Came to power with Henry IV Edict of Nantes (1598) Refer back to ID Cards from Chapter 4

24 France Louis XIII ascended to throne after his father’s assassination – Ruled from 1610-1643 Cardinal Richelieu served as Louis XIII’s royal advisor. – Refer to ID Cards for Chapter 4

25 England War of the Roses – Civil war between the Yorks and Lancasters Henry Tudor established the Tudor Dynasty in England – Henry Tudor known as Henry VII – Defeated Richard III in 1485 Be careful not to confuse the Henrys of England with the Henrys of France.

26 England Henry VIII – Reigned from 1509-1547 Founder of the Anglican Church – Also known as the Church of England Refer to ID Card and text for additional detail.

27 England Edward VI – Reigned from 1547-1553 Mary Tudor – Reigned from 1553-1558

28 England Elizabeth I – Reigned from 1558-1603

29 Defeat of the Spanish Armada

30 Elizabethan Renaissance Queen Elizabeth was known for patronage of the arts William Shakespeare (playwright) – Famous works: Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Taming of the Shrew, King Lear, Othello,

31 England 1603: Elizabeth I died without an heir James VI of Scotland (her cousin) inherited the throne – He became known as James I of England – The Stuarts took the place of the Tudors as the ruling family of England

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