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National Radio Astronomy Observatory NRAO and SKA Fred K. Y. Lo.

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Presentation on theme: "National Radio Astronomy Observatory NRAO and SKA Fred K. Y. Lo."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Radio Astronomy Observatory NRAO and SKA Fred K. Y. Lo

2 2 Why has NRAO not led SKA development? Individual NRAO staff has been intimately involved in SKA activities over the years NRAO has a lot to do right now as an Observatory Simultaneous ALMA and EVLAI construction are all consuming Plus GBT commissioning; VLA+VLBA operations EVLA Phase II proposal was pending until recently EVLA: second ranked project in last Decadal Review A practical first step towards SKA: “bird in hand” approach EVLAI will be fantastic! NRAO has been transforming itself to deal with large projects and international partnership Large projects such as ALMA (and SKA) require a much more formal project management practice and mindset Requires appropriate management expertise and experience, and tools Through ALMA and EVLAI construction, NRAO can now manage and work on large projects better than even a couple of years ago Today, NRAO is in a much better position to contribute to SKA

3 3 Some Lessons from ALMA SKA comparable if not exceeding ALMA in scale and complexity Stattman’s excellent talk on project management did not include the crucial aspect of “international partnership” Significant overhead of an “international partnership” Creating a legal entity alone does not solve the actual problems of managing a HUGE international project e.g. Who will do the work? Should look at GEMINI closely. KEY is finding the right people for the key positions e.g. Experience to manage $1B project properly is rare but ESSENTIAL Start the search early! Don’t be idealistic; be REALISTIC National or regional interests MUST be acknowledged UP FRONT!

4 4 NRAO’s approach to SKA “Level 1 requirements” (science goals) = ? Preparation for the Decadal Review(2008?): Plans MUST appeal to ALL astronomers/astrophysicists, not only radio astronomers Internal NRAO discussions to reach Observatory-wide consensus And, work with US community to arrive at a plan that satisfies the future scientific and technological needs NRAO/NAIC organized a meeting in Chicago in Feb 11 near O’Hare airport to start such discussions: Community must have united front going into the Decadal Review Important for US community to be affiliated with the International SKA Discussions must continue with proper representation of all interested groups to define the best approach for the US astronomy community National Centers and community groups must work together Forming an SKA Working Group within NRAO to focus our activities NRAO expertise and experience is important resource for community NRAO will provide significant contributions and leadership A realistic goal of SKA “Demonstrator”?

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