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1 Bridging the Gap ( Ensuring Seamless Integration ) Mike Hines, FAA John van Woensel, PB Aviation Bill Willkie, RS&H December 16, 2015 Crystal City, Virginia.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Bridging the Gap ( Ensuring Seamless Integration ) Mike Hines, FAA John van Woensel, PB Aviation Bill Willkie, RS&H December 16, 2015 Crystal City, Virginia."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Bridging the Gap ( Ensuring Seamless Integration ) Mike Hines, FAA John van Woensel, PB Aviation Bill Willkie, RS&H December 16, 2015 Crystal City, Virginia

2 CY 1CY 2CY 3CY 4CY 5CY 6CY 7 Planning and Environmental Process Public announcement of major construction project Request for Federal financial assistance Realization that airport construction has to be approved by the FAA Realization that FAA approvals require planning process and NEPA Anger Denial Bargaining Depression Acceptance Begin planning process properly, with FAA support Two years lost 2

3 TY -4TY -3TY -2TY -1Target YearTY +1TY +2 Notional timetable* preceding a capacity-related grant Begin construction FAA awards grant Submit grant application Secure and evaluate bids Bid project Confirm project status FAA finalizes candidate list for subsequent year Finalize ALP update, BCA and everything else Environmental review * Not intended to be a comprehensive or hard-and-fast schedule. Every project is unique, and may require more or less time for certain steps. Detailed planning, airspace analysis, SRM, etc. Potential project identified (through master plan update and conditional ALP approval) Engineering design

4 What do we mean by “seamless integration?” 4 Planning Process Sponsor concerns, ideas, & concepts Scope of Work Inventory Forecasts & Requirements Alternatives Evaluation Preferred Alternative Projects NEPA Process Agency concerns, ideas, & concepts Scoping/ Coordination Scoping/ Coordination Affected Environment Affected Environment Purpose & Need Purpose & Need Alternatives Environmental Impacts Environmental Impacts Proposed Action Permits & Approvals Permits & Approvals “Sound planning is the foundation of the NEPA process.” Source: Everyone says so.

5 What do we mean by “seamless integration?” 5 Planning Process Sponsor concerns, ideas, & concepts Scope of Work Inventory Forecasts & Requirements Alternatives Evaluation Preferred Alternative Projects NEPA Process Agency concerns, ideas, & concepts Scoping/ Coordination Scoping/ Coordination Affected Environment Affected Environment Purpose & Need Purpose & Need Alternatives Environmental Impacts Environmental Impacts Proposed Action Permits & Approvals Permits & Approvals How does planning provide the foundation?

6 What do we mean by “seamless integration?” 6 Planning Process Sponsor concerns, ideas, & concepts Scope of Work Inventory Forecasts & Requirements Alternatives Evaluation Preferred Alternative Projects NEPA Process Agency concerns, ideas, & concepts Scoping/ Coordination Scoping/ Coordination Affected Environment Affected Environment Purpose & Need Purpose & Need Alternatives Environmental Impacts Environmental Impacts Proposed Action Permits & Approvals Permits & Approvals How does planning provide the foundation?

7 Summary 7 Time is the enemy Incomplete info in planning is the enemy Always consider the next phase of work and its requirement If doing a scope-limited MPU, identify the need for a bridge doc

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