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1 Journals

2 Journal 1 Write the definition of “denotation” 10 times.
Write the definition of “connotation” 10 times.

3 Journal 2 Rewrite the negative sentences to make them more positive. Circle or highlight the words you change. Remember, you MUST keep the same denotation. Heritage is an uppity neighborhood, but the rents are cheap. Every morning my neighbor takes his mutt to the park. The mutt is ugly looking. You need to be pushy when you are looking for a job. The freezing air made my head explode in pain. Jeff is weird. Most juveniles hate school.

4 Journal 3: Word Webs/Loaded Words
Directions: Write as many feelings and ideas attached to the following words. Chicken Hollywood Fly

5 Journal 4 STEP 1: Read this poem Murky Monday. Lockers slam, Doorways clog and hallways jam. Sweetest Ruby Smiles so wide -- She can’t see me shyly hide… Wondrous Monday. Lockers Shine. Ruby smiled at me while in line. Step 2: Write about diction Write a journal entry (4-8 sentences) that explains how the mood changes halfway into the poem. Does it go from negative to positive or positive to negative? Use as many examples of diction as possible to show the change.

6 Journal 5 – Movie Journal
What makes life meaningful to you? Why?

7 Journal 6 Write three different sentences that ONLY have one noun and one verb in them. Write three different sentences that use a linking verb. Write three different sentences that use a helping verb.

8 Journal 7 Write ten sentences that have a pronoun, a noun, and a verb. These sentences should only have three words. You can’t use the same word twice. 1. He ate pizza

9 Journal # 8 Below are five simple sentences
Journal # 8 Below are five simple sentences. Improve them by adding adjectives and adverbs. Try to add as many as possible without being confusing. Rewrite your new sentences in your journal. Some leading questions have been provided to help you get going. The girl played with her doll. When did she play? How did she play? What was the girl like? What about the doll? The sun shined. When? What color? How did it shine? The girl walked down the hall. Can you describe her? How did she walk? The man ate his sandwich in the mall. Birds sang in the tree.

10 Journal # 9 Rewrite the following sentences using specific nouns, powerful verbs, and more adjectives and adverbs. The girl got a bike for the holiday. The boy passed the test. Children like to eat food. The dog barked at the girl as she walked down the street. The teacher went into the room and began to speak to the class.

11 Journal # 10 – Preparing for Assessment
Make a sentence with only a verb and a noun. Make a sentence with only a noun, verb, and pronoun. Make a sentence with an adverb in it. Make a sentence with two adjectives. Make a sentence with a Proper Noun.

12 Journal # 1: How To Study Choose one preposition. Write something about you using that preposition. Choose one preposition. Write something funny using that preposition. Draw one preposition in a creative way. Write a short story using five prepositions. Remember all the prepositions that start with “B.”

13 Journal 2 – Quiz Review Copy ten pronouns from your notes.
Copy 10 prepositions from your notes. Write a sentence with a specific noun in it. Write a sentence with powerful verb in it. Add adjectives/adverbs to the following sentence. The boy walked down the hallway.

14 Journal 3 Write 10 sentences.
Circle the main noun in each sentence. Underline the verb in each sentence.

15 Journal # 4 Write 5 independent clauses.
Write 5 dependent clause (remember ABBI SAW A WUWU). Independent Clause Dependent Clause I ran home yesterday. Because I ran home yesterday.

16 Journal # 5 Compound Sentence Practice There are seven coordinate conjunctions (FANBOYS). Write a compound sentence with each one. Remember, you must have a comma before the conjunction in order to get credit on your upcoming quiz.

17 Journal # 6: Sentence Structure
Write sentences using the following subordinate conjunctions: If After Because While Since Write one sentence with the subordinator at the beginning of the sentence. Write one with it in the middle. You should have a total of 10 sentences.

18 Journal # 7 - Make the following sentences.
A simple sentence with two subjects. A simple sentence that starts with a preposition (check your notes). A simple sentence that has a linking verb (check your notes). A simple sentence with a specific noun in it. A compound sentence with the conjunction “but.” A compound sentence with the conjunction “so.” A compound sentence that uses negative connotation. A complex sentence with the conjunction “if” at the beginning. A complex sentence with the conjunction “if” in the middle. A complex sentence with the an adverb in it (check your notes).

19 Journal # 8 Write the following sentences in your journal.
A complex sentence with the subordinate conjunction “because” in the middle A complex sentence with the subordinate conjunction “while” at the beginning (remember the comma) A compound sentence with “or.” Make sure it has two independent clauses A sentence that starts with a preposition (in, at, on, during, to, with, etc…) A sentence with negative connotation The same sentence as # 5, but this time with positive connotation A compound sentence with specific nouns for subjects A sentence with an adverb (most of them end in –ly). A sentence about you The shortest sentence you can think of

20 Journal # 9 1. Fix the following run-on using the four techniques taught in class. Lasagna is my favorite Italian food, it is delicious. 2. Fix the following fragments. Asked the teacher about the quiz after school. To understand physics. A giant oak tree across the street from my house. He never liked to study. But in college, he forced himself to study.

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