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Shadows of the Empire  Caesar’s assassins believed they were saving the Republic  The people of Rome did not share this belief  Octavian, Caesar’s.

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2 Shadows of the Empire  Caesar’s assassins believed they were saving the Republic  The people of Rome did not share this belief  Octavian, Caesar’s grandnephew and heir, forms an alliance with Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus to form the Second Triumvirate to hunt down the assassins


4 Path to War  Octavian controlled the west, including Rome  Antony allies with Cleopatra, pharaoh of Egypt, in the east  Allies of Octavian start a rumor that Antony wants Cleopatra to be queen of Rome  Antony’s mistake was ceding Rome to Octavian

5 The Battle of Actium, 31 BC

6 Octavian Triumphant  Antony and Cleopatra fight Octavian at Actium  Octavian routs his enemies  Antony and Cleopatra retreat to Egypt  Antony commits suicide  Cleopatra commits suicide hours before Octavian’s army closes in on her  Octavian is left as master of the Roman World

7 Call to Power  January 1, 27 BC: The Senate votes Octavian the title Augustus- “Most Honored”  Awarded Princeps Civitatis- “First Citizen of the State”  Awarded Tribunica Potestas- “Full Power of Tribunes”  Awarded Pontifex Maximus- “High Priest of the State”  Awarded Imperator- “Commander of the Roman Army”  This title is the basis for “Emperor”  Augustus turned Roman legions into a standing army  Advanced into Germany  Created an auxiliary reserve army  Created the Praetorian Guard as police force and personal bodyguard


9 Life under Augustus  Advanced women’s rights  Massive building campaign  Allowed local governments to control their own affairs  Virgil’s Aeneid-an epic tale of the founding of Rome-is written  Aeneas, hero of Troy and Dido, his princess

10 Heir to Augustus  None of the titles were hereditary  Augustus feared civil war upon his death  To establish succession he shared consular and tribunican powers with his adopted son, Tiberias  With the death of Augustus in AD 14, the Senate recognized Tiberias as the new emperor

11 The Julio-Claudian Dynasty  Augustus established a dynasty that lasted from 27 BC to AD 68  Tiberias  Tiber River in Rome was named for him  Son in law was Pontius Pilate  Caligula  Had his horse proclaimed senator and consul  Claudius  May or may not have been insane  Nero  The most hated emperor…ever


13 Julius Caesar and Octavian Caesar Augustus  These two men dominated Roman history and politics for seventy years  Established the Roman Empire  The Pax Romana-the Roman Peace  Imperial Rome controlled 2.3 million square miles of territory in Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, and the Middle East  The Roman Empire survived in one form or another until 1453  Almost a quarter of the world’s population that has ever existed, lived and died under the reign of a Roman Emperor


15 A Final Thought  “I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble,” –Caesar Augustus

16 Summarize  In your interactive notebook, at the bottom of your notes page, write a short paragraph about today’s lesson. Write about:  What the main idea of the lesson was  AND what you learned today.  Your summary should be able to explain today’s lesson to someone who was not in class today.

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