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Rome’s Civil Wars Sulla vs. Marius/Marians (88-87, 82-81)

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Presentation on theme: "Rome’s Civil Wars Sulla vs. Marius/Marians (88-87, 82-81)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome’s Civil Wars Sulla vs. Marius/Marians (88-87, 82-81) (Optimates vs Populares) Caesar vs. Pompey/Optimates(49-45) Augustus vs. Mark Antony (32-31) (with constant minor civil wars in between each date/proscriptions/street fighting in Rome) Rise in number of legions 4 consular legions – 60 in field in 31 BCE – 28 Augustan legions

2 Timeline (all BCE): 44: Assassination of Julius Caesar 43-33 Second Triumvirate (Octavian, Mark Antony, Lepidus) 42 Battle of Philippi 40 Treaty of Brundisium [40-33 Antony’s Parthian Campaign) 36 Naulochus 34 Donations of Alexandria 31 Actium 30 Suicide of Antony and Cleopatra 27 Octavian becomes Augustus

3 The complexity of civil war: Caesar’s battles

4 Complexities of Civil War: Second Triumvirate




8 From macro to micro 8 men to a tent party (conturbnalis) 10 tent parties to a century 6 centuries to a cohort 10 cohorts to one legion (exception) the first cohort had 6 double centuries* + 120 horsemen = Total legion size 5400 fighting men* * Be cautious of this number Century: Tesserarius Signifer Optio Centurion Cohort: Primi ordines (1st cohort) Centurion ranks: pilus prior, pilus posterior, princeps prior, princeps posterior, hastatus prior, hastatus posterior,

9 Alae sociorum Auxilia Units in Rome: - Praetorian Guard - Urban Cohort - Vigiles

10 Caligula addresses the Praetorian Guard on a brass sestertius (coin 39-40 CE)

11 Gold aureus of Claudius showing Praetorian camp in Rome (45-44 CE)

12 Trajan surrounded by Praetorian guard in travelling dress (Trajan’s Column, 113 CE)


14 Vigiles sectors

15 Graffiti from the guardroom of the 7th cohort in Rome
(CIL VI 37247)

16 Legionary names (a sample)
III Augusta Pia Fidelis – Late Republic/Augustus III Cyrenaica – Late Republic III Gallica – Julius Caesar III Italia Cohors – Marcus Aurelius III Parthica – Septimius Severus Lost legions (examples/destroyed or disbanded) XVII – Augustus – Varian disaster/9 CE XVIII – Augustus – Varian disaster/9 CE XIX – Augustus – Varian disaster/9 CE I Germanica – Late Republic – Civilis revolt/ 70CE IIII Macedonica – Julius Caesar - Civilis revolt/ 70CE XV Primigenia – Caligula - Civilis revolt/ 70CE XVI Gallica – Augustan - Civilis revolt/ 70CE

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