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The Achievements of Augustus Weisner, Chapter 4 Cordelia, Jensen, Maria, & Ryan.

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1 The Achievements of Augustus Weisner, Chapter 4 Cordelia, Jensen, Maria, & Ryan

2 Why Augustus did not consolidate power or respect the senate Monarchical form of government (could veto or initiate legislation in senate); assemblies ceased after 98 B.C. Foundations of Julius Ceasar (triumvirate)  political alliance of “three ambitious men” – Caesar directly challenged senate by crossing the Rubicon – Directly appointed officials & army officers

3 (continued…) Octavian (Caesar’s adopted son) turns Romans against Antony (his rival); winner by default (Antony commits suicide) Augustus “realized that directly opposing the strong republican tradition in Rome could be very dangerous” (Wiesner, 76)  “worked through, rather than against, existing political institutions” Preserved traditions, but managed to consolidate power in his own hands

4 From Dio Cassius, Roman History Cassius describes Augustus’s reign as monarchy, holding power of both people and Senate Held titles “imperator” (commander-in-chief) for life, indicating absolute power, and “pontifex maximus” (supreme priest), ruled over both sacred and profane matters Had power to veto and punish without trial Senate still existed, but held no power over ruler Took name Augustus, signifying more than human

5 Source 5 (Dio Cassius) Augustus has absolute power over the people and the senate—essentially a monarchy “Preserve the appearance” of tradition Control of finances, the army, rules for his whole life Partially selected men who held office Symbols of absolute power (e.g., Palatium)

6 From Tacitus, Annals Augustus enticed citizens and soldiers with food and peace, gained favor, and grew in power No opposition because courageous men had fallen in battle & other who opposed him were bribed with wealth and political status Most distrusted senate already, supported Augustus Few remaining who knew Republic, constitution was transformed and stripped of equality without any citizen apprehension- “there was nothing at all left of the good old way of life,” (Weisner 87)

7 Source 6 (Tacitus) Conveys a sense of dishonesty, deceit: “Augustus enticed the soldiers…” (87) Mindset of Romans/ high ranking officials at the time: “they preferred the safety of the present” Provinces not protected

8 From Augustus, Res Gestae Divi Augusti Lists Augustus’s accomplishments and how respected he was – Liberated the Republic, retained tradition, assisted treasury with own money, accepted title of pontifex maximus given by Senate, repaired beloved architecture, extended Rome’s boundaries, restored peace, “transferred the state from my own power to the control of the Roman senate and people,” given title “father of the country” by senate and people Biased because this document was written by Augustus, himself

9 Sources 7-10 Misrepresenting himself (“pontifex maximus” title) Emphasizing that the people proclaimed him thusly and that everything he did was in accordance with the senate Coins: propagandistic

10 Restoration of Peace “As long as Caesar is the guardian of the state, neither civil dissension nor violence shall banish peace” – From Horace, Odes Janus’ temple closed 3 times during Augustus’ reign Ended era of warring military factions  decision to grant veterans cash after 20 yrs of service

11 Public Works of Augustus Public entertainment, assistance to the treasury, roads, and public buildings (Augustus, Res Gestae Divi Augusti) Attention to needs of citizens  see Decree Issued by Augustus, 4 B.C. Reform of the taxation system, postal service, fire department, etc Byproducts of Augustus: art, literature and women’s rights

12 Support for Augustus “’…what more have I to ask of the immortal gods than that I may retain this same unanimous approval of yours to the very end of my life?’” –From Suetonius, Life of Augustus “Stripped of equality, all looked to the directives of a princeps with no apprehension for the present…” –From Tacitus, Annals Narbonne inscription  evidence of support in provinces Even critics acknowledge that Augustus enjoyed wide support from all directions Note: Augustus’ harshest critics, Dio Cassius and Tacitus, were writing over a hundred years after the death of Augustus

13 Decree Issued by Emperor Augustus Augustus talks about how he, along with the Senate, are concerned with the welfare of the allies of Rome His decree says that any allies desiring to recover extorted money can try to do so In this decree, the Senate has the power

14 From Suetonius, Life of Augustus Body of citizens title him “Father of his country” Senate, too, hails him as “Father of thy country” Augustus seems to be asking the Senate permission for this title

15 From Augustus, Res Gestae divi augusti Liberated the Republic Pardons citizens he fights and says he handles his enemies with due process of law Uses his own money to fund reconstruction and provides entertainment for the people Senate gives him the title of “Father of the country”

16 Comparison of the Three Documents Senate has proclaimed him the “Father of the country” He wants the best for the citizens He is giving the Republic the right to do things through these documents

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