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November 2015 Are You Getting Your Money’s Worth? Dividends of Performance-Based Polymer Procurement Keller Schnier, PE.

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Presentation on theme: "November 2015 Are You Getting Your Money’s Worth? Dividends of Performance-Based Polymer Procurement Keller Schnier, PE."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2015 Are You Getting Your Money’s Worth? Dividends of Performance-Based Polymer Procurement Keller Schnier, PE

2 Acknowledgements Maggie Macomber, PE – Charlotte Water Jackie Jarrell, PE – Charlotte Water David Wagoner, PE – CDM Smith

3 Presentation Take Aways  Key steps in the polymer selection program  Importance of:  Proper polymer selection  Planning the process  Qualified participation  Maintaining control of the process  Polymer selection determination  Lowest cost polymer = best value?  Relationship between performance and overall cost 3

4 Importance of Proper Polymer Selection  Cost Control  Equipment  Operations  Polymer - type  Biosolids - end use/disposal  Quantity  Dewatering performance  Quality  Handling  Odors 4

5 Polymer Selection Goal  Produce the best biosolids product for the lowest cost  Best product  fits your program needs  Lowest Cost   Polymer cost (selection and usage based)  Operations and maintenance cost (operator and equipment)  Reuse/disposal cost (performance based) 5

6 Polymer Selection – Step-Wise Approach  Step 1 – Consider 3 rd party Project/program manager  Step 2 – Develop Customized Approach  Baseline criteria development  Establish ground rules and polymer selection criteria  Testing plan and schedule  Vendor Solicitation/selection  Step 3 - Conduct Testing  Selected vendors  Bench-scale testing  Full-scale testing  Performance data development/handling  Step 4 - Bid document/Polymer Selection 6

7 Step 1 – 3 rd Party Project Manager  Administers Polymer Trial program  Time – coordination - responsiveness  Manage the process and the vendors  Single point of contact  Multiple plants create challenges  Uniformity and consistency  Control of all data 7

8 Step 2 – Customized Approach  Baseline criteria development  Historical performance  Equipment capacities  Establish ground rules and polymer selection criteria  Detailed testing plan and schedule  Vendor selection  Advertise details  Request submission of Notification of Interest  Pre-submission meeting  Selection of vendors for Trials 8

9 Establishing Baseline Criteria  Goal - Set boundaries/criteria for equipment operation, polymer use and required performance  System review - conditions and limitations  Polymer mixing  Feed concentrations  Feed capacity/ranges  Dewatering system performance and information  Capacity of dewatering equipment  Historic performance data  Special concerns  Odors  Fecal coliform reactivation or regrowth 9

10 Plant Information and Data Summary Sheets 10

11 11

12 Control the Number of Vendors Seek Strong Technical Experience 12

13 Other Key Items in the Solicitation  Full-Scale testing and sampling details  Procedural approaches  Performance data development  Polymer Performance Evaluation Calculations  Calculations to be used  Full transparency  Avoid questions/contested conditions later 13

14 Full-Scale Test and Sampling Details 14

15 Polymer Performance Evaluation Criteria 15

16 Example Polymer Performance Calculation 16

17 Selection of Qualified Vendors  Pre-submittal meeting with interested Vendors  Receive and review Letters of Interest  Select 3 to 4 most qualified vendors 17

18 Step 3 – Conduct Testing  Facility tours with Vendors  Equipment review  polymer measurement, mixing, and feed rate/control arrangements  Q&A  Refine Testing Schedule  Bench-Scale Testing  Full-Scale Testing 18

19 Bench-Scale Testing  Conducted at plant site - lab setting  Vendor conducts, Owner/PM observes  One vendor at a time  Sludge samples provided by Owner  Owner keeps samples of polymers being considered for full- scale trials  Vendor chooses polymer to advance to full-scale trial  Projects and presents dosage rates for full-scale testing  lb polymer/dry ton of solids  Must fall within acceptable dosage range criteria 19

20 Full-Scale Testing  Set dewatering machine operating conditions  based on equipment operation ranges ~ mid range  test all polymers under same conditions – level playing field  Sample collection, control and testing - by Owner  Microwave % solids analyzer  Data management by Project Manager  Performance criteria – pass/fail and range limitations  Maximum allowed polymer dosage  minimum solids capture % or max TSS levels  minimum/maximum cake solids  Performance data finalization 20

21 Step 4 – Vender Bid Price Submittal and Polymer Selection  Facility: WWTP  Address:  ITB 269-0131-010 Manufacturer Product Price Per Pound ANC 101 $ 0.96 BK290FLX $ 1.185 C 8846FS $ 1.11 D SE 757 $ 0.84 21

22 Vendor A 22

23 Vendor D 23

24 Performance Conditions + Polymer Price = Lowest Cost Outcome 24 Based on performance conditions, Vendor A could have won the contract with a bid of $0.875/lb Performance data provides documentation of the expected performance….once selected polymer is used

25 Summary  All polymer is not created equal  purchase polymer based on $/lb polymer alone - risky  Polymer Trials can provide competitive, performance based polymer selection  Qualify polymer vendors with technical expertise  Set clear instructions and guidelines  Control the process  Trials protocol, sampling, testing, selection criteria  Develop performance data for each polymer  consistent testing conditions for all  Apply bid price to performance conditions for lowest cost outcome 25

26 Questions

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