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Commonly Confused Words It’s/ Its. Commonly Confused Words It’s: contraction for it is Its – possessive form of it.

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Presentation on theme: "Commonly Confused Words It’s/ Its. Commonly Confused Words It’s: contraction for it is Its – possessive form of it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commonly Confused Words It’s/ Its

2 Commonly Confused Words It’s: contraction for it is Its – possessive form of it

3 Directions: Choose the appropriate words for the following sentences. 1.For all (its/it’s) faults, it was a pretty interesting film. 2.The best moment brings out some energy and humor, but (its/it’s) not enough to keep this unfocused piece from meandering off to nowhere. 3.(Its/It’s) a wise dog that scratches (its/it’s) own fleas. 4.The bird flapped (its/it’s) wounded wings, trying to fly despite (its/it’s) `condition. 5.In golf, (its/it’s) a faux pas to talk while someone is trying to hit or putt.

4 Context Clues 1.She felt synnitricus, but she went trick-or-treating alone anyway. a)happyb) confused c) nervous d)enraged 2.The children wouldn’t walk up to the house on Halloween night because the house was fwakened to be haunted. a)Rumored b) happened c) freaky d) blackened 3.After a long chase through the alleyway, the zombies truggled the group of teens and ate them. a)Hugged b) tickled c) attacked d) ransacked

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