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Meeting the challenges of agile principles: An offshore Scrum Master Perspective Pooja Wandile,Agile India 2014 資工 3B 簡嘉慶.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the challenges of agile principles: An offshore Scrum Master Perspective Pooja Wandile,Agile India 2014 資工 3B 簡嘉慶."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the challenges of agile principles: An offshore Scrum Master Perspective Pooja Wandile,Agile India 2014 資工 3B 簡嘉慶

2 Outline 1.Abstract 2.Trust 3.Technical Excellence 4.Change 5.Conclusion

3 Abstract The 3 of 12 agile principles: 1.Build projects around motivated individuals. 2.Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 3.Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.

4 Trust 1.Mirco-management by customer 2.Fatigue and burnout 3.Ignore the technical and process 4.Feel inadequate Challenge include :

5 Trust To address above challenges Metrics Dashboard

6 Trust To address above challenges Collaborative environment

7 Trust To address above challenges Healthy relationship

8 Trust Support To address above challenges

9 Trust To address above challenges Cross visits

10 Technical Excellence Poor quality 1.Insufficient pool of skilled and experienced. 2.What is a the best way to design the solution. 3.It is Difficult to get support from customer

11 Technical Excellence Handled by taking below actions 1.Innovation day 2.Decision analysis process 3.Knowledge sharing

12 Conclusion Benefit could be achieved Retrospections 嚴格遵守 User story 心態 交互參訪的預算

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