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1960 Election Eisenhower had served two terms. He was limited by the 23 rd Amendment. After much debate and a close contest the Republicans decided on.

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2 1960 Election Eisenhower had served two terms. He was limited by the 23 rd Amendment. After much debate and a close contest the Republicans decided on Richard Nixon The Democrats fought off an attempt by Adlai Stevenson and nominated a VERY young Senator from Massachusetts…John F. Kennedy

3 John F. Kennedy WW II Veteran Congressman Senator Very, Very wealthy family Catholic Of Irish descent, he was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. Graduating from Harvard in 1940, he entered the Navy. In 1943, when his PT boat was rammed and sunk by a Japanese destroyer, Kennedy, despite grave injuries, led the survivors through perilous waters to safety. Back from the war, he became a Democratic Congressman from the Boston area, advancing in 1953 to the Senate. He married Jacqueline Bouvier on September 12, 1953. In 1955, while recuperating from a back operation, he wrote Profiles in Courage, which won the Pulitzer Prize in history.

4 Richard Nixon Lawyer from California WW II Veteran Congressman…HUAC Senator Vice-President under IKE Born in California in 1913, Nixon had a brilliant record at Whittier College and Duke University Law School before beginning the practice of law. In 1940, he married Patricia Ryan; they had two daughters, Patricia (Tricia) and Julie. During World War II, Nixon served as a Navy lieutenant commander in the Pacific. On leaving the service, he was elected to Congress from his California district. In 1950, he won a Senate seat. Two years later, General Eisenhower selected Nixon, age 39, to be his running mate.

5 Issues and Differences Kennedy –Young, appealed to younger voters –Handsome? –Charismatic –Catholic Very important issue…his Catholicism was seen as a negative NO President had ever been Catholic Nixon –Also young, but seemed older –Experienced as VP –Very hard against communism –Not as smooth or polished as Kennedy 1960 featured first EVER Televised Debates!

6 Nixon vs JFK JFK had coaching form Hollywood stars Nixon looked dark, sick and uncomfortable TV viewers said JFK won Radio listeners said Nixon


8 CAMELOT The young prince and princess (at least that’s how many saw them) were optimistically seen as symbolizing a bright future. Most popular Broadway musical that year was Camelot, musical adaptation of King Arthur… Kennedys were like Arthur and Gwynevere, hence Kennedy administration was called Camelot…

9 Jackie Kennedy

10 New Frontier Kennedy promised a bright future…the New Frontier Space Exploration New Industries and Jobs An outreaching America that would do good in the world

11 PEACE CORPS Young Americans (college age) would VOLUNTEER Two years over seas in developing countries Help with irrigation, crops, technology and language skills Build schools and hospitals, etc. JFK and Sargent Shriver (brother in law) created it Upon return, students get free college or guaranteed student loans Hoped to improve USA image in world Critics called it Kennedy’s “Kiddie Corps”

12 JFK as President Space Race –Set as a goal…”land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth by the end of the decade.” Economy –Failed in attempt to pass Tax Cut to stimulate economy Civil Rights Failed in attempt to pass Civil Rights Act

13 Bay of Pigs April 1961 – CIA trained Cuban rebels to land in the Bay of Pigs and start revolution against Fidel Castro, communist dictator. Everything went wrong…massive failure…USA VERY embarrassed Castro on radio told the world USA had invaded FIDEL CASTRO (above) took over Cuba in 1959 JFK addressed the USA and world…took full responsibility.

14 BERLIN WALL August 1961 USSR and East Germans erected Berlin Wall Meant to stop East Germans from leaving… Symbol of communism, dictatorship, tyranny, etc.

15 Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962 USA spy plans photograph UUSR building Nuclear Missile sites in Cuba Only 90 miles from Florida!

16 This was the closest the USA and USSR ever came to actual war…nuclear war! Quarantine, escalation, cooler heads, hotline Khrushchev, Kennedy, Castro

17 Vietnam The United States had gotten involved in Vietnam under Eisenhower Kennedy continued our involvement and committed 16,000 U.S. military “advisors” to Vietnam Kennedy also okayed the CIA assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, the leader of South Vietnam

18 November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy Assassinated


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