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Election of 1960 Democratic Candidate Republican Candidate.

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1 Election of 1960 Democratic Candidate Republican Candidate

2 Media and the Cold War During this time period media effected the public, probably more than any other time prior. Media had a powerful effect of the American citizen and their response to war.


4 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Country was ready for change Senator in Mass. W.W.2 Veteran 43 years old (youngest) Family very wealthy Catholic (Pope vs. US) Texas Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson (V. Pres) “Ask not what, your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?”

5 Richard Millhouse Nixon Vice President under Eisenhower W.W. 2 Veteran also Working class family One of the closest races in history Lost by 120,000 votes of 69 million voters

6 Cold War 1956 Nikita Khrushchev promise the US when he took office “We will bury you.” Kennedy declared at Inauguration speech. “that only a few generations have had to defend freedom. We must pay the price and bear any burden.” Established Peace Corps to help poor nations

7 Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy Cold War lead to Russia gaining satellite (puppet) countries, while US was gaining strength through the poorer countries with Peace Corps

8 Berlin Crises Put up by JFK Stop the spread of Soviet Communism into East Germany East Germany Democratic

9 Berlin Wall

10 Cuban Govt. Overthrown By Fidel Castro Overthrew Fulgencio Batista Cuban dictator

11 Bay of Pigs Bay of Pigs was a top secret military invasion of Cuba in a failed attempt to overthrow Communist Cuba leader Fidel Castro approved by JFK. Kennedy sent 1,400 exiled Cuban exiles into Cuba after secretly training them in Guatemala. The began when American airplanes painted to look like Cuban planes flew under the cover of darkness to bomb Cuba’s airfield and missed nearly every drop to leave Cuba’s Air force completely in power. The invasion and ensuing failure strengthened Castro’s position and lead to one of the key events in the Cold War.

12 Cuban Missile Crises Cuba becomes a puppet state of Soviet Union Close eye on US Soviets provide Fidel Castro with nuclear weapons and set up a missile site

13 Cuban Missile Crises

14 The Space Program The Soviets and the Americans were not only pushing for world position but also position in space Soviets had put “Yuri Gagarin” as the first man in space“Yuri Gagarin” The Americans out did the Soviets by putting “John Glenn” as the first man to orbit Earth“John Glenn”

15 Yuri Gagarin Yuri Gagarin (First man in space)

16 John Glenn John Glenn (First man to orbit Earth)

17 Led to the Man on the Moon Neil Armstrong First man on the moon “One small step for man, one giant step for mankind!”

18 Kennedy Assassinated November 22 nd, 1963


20 Lee Harvey Oswald

21 Jack Ruby Killed Lee Harvey Oswald, Dallas Night Club owner (2 days later)

22 Lyndon Baines Johnson All the Way with LBJ (Campaign slogan) LBJ vs. AU H2O Lead us into Vietnam President during the civil rights movement

23 Civil Rights (segregation) Plessy vs. Ferguson Separate but Equal

24 Rosa Parks Montgomery Bus Boycott refused to sit at the back of the bus

25 Martin Luther King Led “March on Washington” “I have a dream!” speech Americans hopeful towards White/Black relations

26 King Jr. Assassinated April 4 th, 1968 Age 39 Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN By James Earl Ray –Sentenced 99 yrs. plead guilty –Died in prison age 70 Shot in the head with a.30 caliber bullet

27 Malcolm X Black separatist Preached that the whites will never except the Black worlds therefore we should not except the white world Opposite of Martin Luther Kings non- violent, non-radical methods

28 Malcolm X Assassinated On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was preparing to address the Organization of Afro-American Unity in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom when someone in the 400- person audience yelled, "Nigger! Get your hand outta my pocket! The distraction lured Malcolm X’s body guards away. Thomas Hagen (Talmadge Hayer - Islamic) the shooter shot Malcolm X 21 times in the chest, shoulders and legs to death. Thomas Hagen, Norman Butler and Thomas Johnson were convicted in March 1966 and sentenced to life in prison. Hagen was beaten by the crowd and caight by the police the other two fled but were identified by witnesses.

29 Thomas Hagen

30 The End

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