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The euro in opinion polls: consumers’ perception EOS GALLUP EUROPE.

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Presentation on theme: "The euro in opinion polls: consumers’ perception EOS GALLUP EUROPE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The euro in opinion polls: consumers’ perception EOS GALLUP EUROPE

2 Major points Major points n Citizens’ general perception of the euro and the usage of the single currency n The usefulness of dual price display n The enlargement of the euro zone n The perception of the single currency in the new Member States

3 Perception and usage of the single currency

4 « Today would you say that the Euro continues to cause you difficulties? » … (Answer “No difficulty at all”) Difficulties with the euro

5 Common purchases calculated in euro « Today, when purchasing, do you count mentally most often in… » (% answers « EURO »)

6 Advantages of the euro at a national level « In your opinion, for (OUR COUNTRY), is the adoption of the euro… ? »

7 Dual price display Dual price display

8 Usefulness of dual price display « Did the dual price displays from 2001 onwards help you become more familiar with the new currency? »

9 Maintaining dual price display « Would you like, yes or no, shopkeepers to continue displaying prices in both currencies? »

10 Opinions on maintaining dual price display differs between countries « …Would you like shopkeepers to continue dual price displays? » % answers «No» « …Would you like shopkeepers to continue dual price displays? » % answers «No»

11 The enlargement of the euro zone

12 Euro-Out: Forcasting the introduction of the euro “...[OUR COUNTRY] will end up introducing the euro in replacement of [NATIONAL CURRENCY]” (%Yes) 66% 50% 47% 36% 62% 40% 33%

13 Most citizens believe the euro zone will be extended to the new member States « Would you say that the extension of the euro to the 10 new member States…is something that will happen: » the 10 new member States…is something that will happen: »

14 A clear majority believes this extension would have positive effects for consumers Citizens’ opinions on the extension of the euro to NMS

15 The euro and citizens in the new Member States

16 Low level of interest in the euro “Personally, would you say that the introduction of the euro (IN OUR COUNTRY) is a topic that you are interested in? Are you…”

17 Divided opinions on the consequences of the euro at a national level… “Do you think the introduction of the euro would have positive or negative consequences for (OUR COUNTRY)?”

18 … and at a personal level “For you personally, do you think that it would be positive or negative if the euro would be introduced?”

19 A clear majority in the euro zone countries believes this extension would have positive effects for consumers Citizens’ opinions on the extension of the euro to NMS : Citizens’ opinions on the extension of the euro to NMS :

20 Significant disparities in the feelings towards the changeover to the euro “Are you personally happy or not that the euro could replace the (NATIONAL CURRENCY)?”

21 Citizens in no hurry to see the euro introduced in their country “When would you like the euro to become your currency?”

22 Expectations and fears regarding the adoption of the euro

23 Overall recognition of the practical consequences of the euro “Do you think the introduction of the euro... ?”

24 Citizens mainly fear abuses and cheating on prices during changeover « You are afraid of abuses and cheating on prices during the changeover »

25 Relative majority believes the euro would increase inflation “Do you think the introduction of the euro would help to maintain price stability or, on the contrary, increase inflation in (OUR COUNTRY)?”

26 A true feeling of inflation in the euro zone countries « Did you personally notice that in (OUR COUNTRY) when converted into euro, prices have been…? » (% EU12)

27 Informing citizens on the euro

28 A majority in the new member States does not feel well informed about the euro “To what extent do you feel informed about the euro? Do you feel...?”

29 Feeling of information in the 12 euro zone countries (evolution March 2000 – May 2002) “To what extent do you feel informed about the single European currency, the euro ? Do you feel :”

30 Low level of awareness about obligation to adopt the euro Can (OUR COUNTRY) choose whether or not to introduce the euro?

31 Poor knowledge of correct number of current euro zone countries According to you, how many EU countries have already introduced the euro? % correct answer « 12 »

32 Timeframe for being informed on the euro « When would you like to be informed about the euro? » ( % average new member States) « When would you like to be informed about the euro? » ( % average new member States)

33 Conclusion n Citizens in the euro zone countries seem to have overcome the difficulties with the usage of the euro, and the single currency is now becoming a mental calculation reference for consumers n Dual display of prices is widely acknowledged as an educational tool for learning to use the euro. However, its usefulness 3 years after the introduction is being questioned

34 n A majority of citizens among the EU12 countries believes that the euro zone will be extended and that this will be beneficial for consumers n Among citizens in the new Member States, the main fear is the risk of abuses and cheating on prices during the changeover to the euro as well as the possibility of an increase in inflation to the detriment of consumers

35 n Nevertheless respondents acknowledge the practical consequences of the changeover to the euro n Most citizens in the new Member States admit that they are not well informed about the euro and request to be informed well ahead of the introduction of the single currency.

36 Thank you very much for your attention

37 Value of Euro against Dollar « Does the value of the euro against the dollar concern you: a lot, a little or not at all? »

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