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The Book of Ruth Lesson Four. “May His Name Be Famous in Israel” (Ruth 4:1-22) I. Boaz Talks with the Near Kinsman (4:1-6). A. Boaz goes to the elders.

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Presentation on theme: "The Book of Ruth Lesson Four. “May His Name Be Famous in Israel” (Ruth 4:1-22) I. Boaz Talks with the Near Kinsman (4:1-6). A. Boaz goes to the elders."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Book of Ruth Lesson Four

2 “May His Name Be Famous in Israel” (Ruth 4:1-22) I. Boaz Talks with the Near Kinsman (4:1-6). A. Boaz goes to the elders as the gate. B. Naomi sold the land of Elimelech (Lev. 25:23-31).

3 “May His Name Be Famous in Israel” (Ruth 4:1-22) II. Boaz Redeemns Naomi and Takes Ruth as Wife (4:7-12). A. Removal of the sandal. (cf. Deut. 25:9,10). B. “I have bought all that was Elimelech’s, and all that was Chilion’s and Mahlon’s, from the hand of Naomi.” (vs. 9). C. “Ruth the Moabitess, the widow of Mahlon” (cf. Deut. 25:7).

4 “May His Name Be Famous in Israel” (Ruth 4:1-22) II. Boaz Redeemns Naomi and Takes Ruth as Wife (4:7-12). D. “Position at the gate” (vs. 10) (cf. Proverbs 31:23). E. Elders bless the union and its conception (vss. 11,12).

5 “May His Name Be Famous in Israel” (Ruth 4:1-22) III. The Descendants of Boaz & Ruth (4:13-22). A. Boaz assumed care of both Ruth & Naomi. (cf. I Timothy 5:8,16). B. “Became a nurse to him” (vs. 16). (contrast Exodus 2:7). C. “They called his name Obed.” (vs. 17a).

6 “May His Name Be Famous in Israel” (Ruth 4:1-22) III. The Descendants of Boaz & Ruth (4:13-22). D. “He is the father of Jesse, the father of David” (vs. 17b). 1. Jesus was a “Son of David” (Matthew 1:1). 2. The Christ the seed of David. (John 7:40-42). 3. David called Messiah Lord. (Matt 22:41-46). 4. “Root and Offspring of David” (Rev. 22:16).

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