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Derivative-based uncertainty quantification in climate modeling P. Heimbach 1, D. Goldberg 2, C. Hill 1, C. Jackson 3, N. Petra 3, S. Price 4, G. Stadler.

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Presentation on theme: "Derivative-based uncertainty quantification in climate modeling P. Heimbach 1, D. Goldberg 2, C. Hill 1, C. Jackson 3, N. Petra 3, S. Price 4, G. Stadler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derivative-based uncertainty quantification in climate modeling P. Heimbach 1, D. Goldberg 2, C. Hill 1, C. Jackson 3, N. Petra 3, S. Price 4, G. Stadler 5, J. Utke 6 MIT, EAPS, Cambridge, MA U. Edinburgh, UK UT Austin, TX LANL, Los Alamos, NM ANL, Chicago, IL

2 Example of science questions Past, present, future contribution of mass loss from polar ice sheets to global mean sea level rise Rate of present-day heat uptake by the ocean The ocean’s role in the global carbon cycle

3 Posing the “UQ” problem For each of the examples given, how are estimates affected by … –…observation uncertainty? –…observation sampling? –…prior information on input parameters? –…model uncertainties, including artificial drift? Need a framework that: –accounts for these uncertainties –takes optimal advantage of information content in models and observations –is computationally tractable and relevant

4 The uncertainty space is very high-dimensional 3D fields of: –initial conditions –spatially varying model parameters, e.g.: vertical or eddy-induced mixing (ocean) material properties of ice(Arrhenius param.) 2D fields of surface or basal boundary conditions, e.g.: –surface forcing (heat flux, precipitation) –basal sliding, geothermal fluxes, basal melt rates –bed topography/bathymetry –air-sea gas (CO 2 ) exhange & transfer coefficients Underlying most of these questions: how well constrained by observations?

5 Deterministic, gradient-based approaches sensitivity analysis –use adjoint to infer sensitivity of climate indices (e.g., ocean heat content; MOC; ice sheet volume; total carbon uptake; …)to input fields optimal state & parameter estimation –optimal state/reconstruction of climate state from sparse, heterogeneous observations –optimal & “drift-free” initial conditions for prediction inverse/predictive uncertainty propagation

6 Example: Sensitivity of carbon uptake to changes in vertical diffusivity MIT general circulation model (MITgcm) coupled to biogeochemical module Adjoint model generated via open-source algorithmic/automatic differentiation tool OpenAD (Argonne National Lab) C. Hill, O. Jahn, et al., in prep.

7 Adjoint model also gives linear sensitivities Sensitivities of Grounded Volume of marine ice sheet highlight role of ice shelf margins Sensitivity to m Sensitivity to warming (softening) Example: Marine ice sheet/shelf adjoint sensitivities Goldberg & Heimbach (2013)

8 Example: ice sheet model inversion & initialization  UQ-enabled predictions for sea level rise require initial conditions for large ice masses that are consistent with: surface flow velocities present day ice geometry accumulation data or output from Earth system models  Compute MAP estimates for the basal friction coefficient field and the bedrock topography (each has about 33,000 parameters)  Overall 5500 adjoint-based gradients required: 11,000 (non)linear PDE solves Left : Implied accumulation rate without taking into account Earth system model data; Middle : implied accumulation rate after taking into account Earth system model data, which is shown on the Right.  Forward problem has 350,000 parameters, implementation based on LiveV FEM package and Trilinos solvers Perego, Price, Stadler (2014)

9 Posterior covariance of controls x ≈ Inverse of Hessian matrix Inverse uncertainty propagation – Hessian method Model–data misfit function: Solution / posterior uncertainty?  curvature of misfit function  Described by Hessian matrix of J controls x observations y M Data uncertainty  Controls uncertainty Δy  Δx Small curvature Large uncertainty Large curvature Small uncertainty R Linear term Nonlinear term

10 Assimilation of observations uncertainty Reduction of prior controls uncertainty Forward uncertainty propagation Data uncertainty  Controls uncertainty  Target uncertainty P yy  P xx  UQ scheme UQ algorithm for Ocean State estimation

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