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LPC Regional Meeting 14 th December 2015 Stephen O’Reilly.

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Presentation on theme: "LPC Regional Meeting 14 th December 2015 Stephen O’Reilly."— Presentation transcript:

1 LPC Regional Meeting 14 th December 2015 Stephen O’Reilly

2 Agenda National Update Phase 4 Nominations Next Steps Q & A

3 National Update

4 National Update – to 3 rd December

5 Phase 4

6 What is Phase 4? Phase 4 is the point at which EPS becomes the default option for prescribing, dispensing and processing claims for prescriptions for Primary Care in England. Paper prescriptions will continue to be available for special circumstances but the vast majority of prescriptions will be processed electronically.

7 How will Phase 4 work? There will be two main options for patients when Phase 4 becomes live: 1.Patients nominate their preferred dispenser to receive their prescriptions (as they do currently) 2.Where no nomination is in place (or the patient chooses not to use their nomination on this occasion) the patient will be offered either a paper or ‘electronic’ token to present at the dispenser they decide to visit

8 What could be an Electronic Token? A way for the patient to get a prescription GUID (barcode number) to the dispenser they have chosen to dispense that prescription It is an alternative to a paper token being printed by the prescriber Possible examples

9 Benefits Patients will have more choice about where they collect their prescriptions and will not have to visit the GP to collect their prescriptions. GPs and dispensers will be running one main process for prescriptions with all prescriptions defaulting to electronic, ensuring a more efficient and time saving service. 9

10 Dependencies 1.Controlled Drugs 2.Business Continuity 3.Dispenser refresher training 4.Dispensing systems contracts 5.Patient survey 6.Service model review 10

11 Controlled Drugs 11

12 Business Continuity Every Dispenser must have a plan! Communication to all relevant practices is key to minimise inconvenience. Communicate with patients Use all available tools….

13 What’s going on? Be an informed user of EPS: –HSCIC Service Status page Report all issues to your PMR supplier helpdesk. Issues with local GP practices affecting you can be passed to their supplier by calling your own PMR supplier helpdesk. All PMR suppliers have an escalation process – make sure you know what it is and act on it as required 13 Add to Favourites

14 14

15 Sign up for Service Alerts What’s going on? RESOLVED - Loss of N3 connection for NHS Bolton CCG - BT have confirmed. RESOLVED - Loss of N3 connection for NHS Bolton CCG - BT have confirmed.

16 Care Identity Services – Smart Cards 16

17 New search by NHS number Prescription Tracker

18 Dispenser Training 18

19 Nominations

20 supply/eps/patient-nomination-of-a-dispensing- site/nomination-reports/ 20

21 EPS in the media

22 Next steps What do you need from me? Invites to LPC contractor meeting to support EPS and answer contractor queries. Email any additional queries.

23 Contact the Programme Stephen O’Reilly – Implementation Manager Email: stepheno’ Mobile: 07824 414868 Twitter: @WotS_EPS EPS Bulletin

24 Q & A

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