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1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science. Science What Is Science?  Is a way of learning about the natural world and the knowledge gained by that process.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science. Science What Is Science?  Is a way of learning about the natural world and the knowledge gained by that process."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science

2 Science What Is Science?  Is a way of learning about the natural world and the knowledge gained by that process Science is dynamic Changes: Smallest particle; No longer a planet; Dinosaurs; kingdoms(started w/2 now 6) (Dynamic means?)CHANGES WHY?

3 Overview of Earth Science What Is Earth Science?  Encompasses all sciences that seek to understand Earth Earth's neighbors in space

4 Overview of Earth Science  Earth science includes 4. astronomy, the study of the universe 3. meteorology, the study of the atmosphere and the processes that produce weather 1. geology, the study of Earth 2. oceanography, the study of the ocean What Is Earth Science? 5. Environmental science, study of earth’s environment & resources and human’s impact on them

5 Ecology  Ecology - an interdisciplinary field that includes Biology and Earth science  Ecosystems are composed of dynamically interacting parts including organisms, the communities they make up, and the non-living components of their environment. How Is Earth Science & Ecology Releted?

6 Spheres 1. Lithosphere – solid rocky outer layer  Crust and upper mantle  Continents, islands, ocean floor Four Spheres – divisions of Earth 2. Atmosphere  Gases surrounding the earth  Mostly made up of N 2 + O 2

7 Spheres 3. Hydrosphere  all bodies of water and ice (glaciers) Four Spheres – divisions of Earth 4. Biosphere  Area where all living things are found  Crosses into other 3 spheres

8 Science What Is Scientific Inquiry?  Science assumes the natural world is consistent predictable  Goals of science are to use the knowledge to predict to discover patterns in nature

9 What Is Scientific Inquiry?  Scientific Method Formulate hypotheses Gather facts through observation Test hypotheses to formulate theories

10 Science Methods What Is Scientific Inquiry?  Scientific knowledge is gained through following systematic steps 1. Observation/Questioning - Collecting facts theories that withstand examination totally unexpected occurrences 2. Developing a hypothesis 3. Conducting experiments 4. Data Analysis 5. Conclusion

11 Hypothesis Scientific Method  Hypothesis - an prediction of the possible outcome of an experiment based upon prior research and observation by the scientist.  tentative or untested explanation Theory  Theory - a coherent explanation for a large number of facts and observations about the natural world.  tested, confirmed, supported hypothesis

12 Scientific Method Theory (con’t)  Internally consistent and compatible with the evidence.  Firmly grounded in and based upon evidence  Tested against a wide range of phenomena  Demonstrably effective in problem- solving

13 Scientific Method Law  a description of a natural phenomenon or principle that invariably holds true under specific conditions and will occur under certain circumstances.  To become a Law a theory must be proven correct every time it is tested.

14 Observation & Inference Observation  Using 5 senses – taste, touch, smell, see, hear  States something basic – color, shape, feel, transparency Inference  An interaction based on your observations and prior knowledge  I.E. cause, use, composition, prediction

15 Measurements Length  SI Unit: meter  Equipment: meter stick Volume  Amount of space an object takes up  SI Unit: liter  Equipment: graduated cylinder  Regular Solid – sides are flat  Volume: V = L x W x H  SI Unit: cm 3

16 Are MASS & WEIGHT the same thing? 16 Mass  Amount of matter in an object  SI Unit: Kilogram  Equipment: Triple beam balance Weight  Force with which gravity pulls an object towards the center of the Earth  SI Unit: Newton  1 Kg = 10 Newtons = 2.2 lbs.

17 Density 17 Density = Mass Volume Density  The relationship of mass and volume in an object

18 Accuracy, Precision, and Error  It is necessary to make good, reliable measurements in the lab  Accuracy – how close a measurement is to the true value  Precision – how close the measurements are to each other (reproducibility)

19 Precision and Accuracy Neither accurate nor precise Precise, but not accurate Precise AND accurate 19

20 Accuracy, Precision, and Error 20  Accepted value = the correct value based on reliable references  Experimental value = the value measured in the lab

21 Accuracy, Precision, & Deviation 21  Deviation= accepted value – exp. value  Can be positive or negative  Percent Deviation= the absolute value of the deviation divided by the accepted value, then multiplied by 100% | deviation | accepted value % deviation = x 100%

22 GRAPHING 22 Line Graph  X-axis – independent variable  Y-axis – dependent variable

23 Graphing Relationships 23 direct linear relationship - when the values of x and y increase

24 Graphing Relationships 24 direct nonlinear relationship - when the curve slopes upward from left to right

25 Graphing Relationships 25 inverse linear relationship - when x increases and y decreases

26 Graphing Relationships 26 inverse nonlinear relationship - when the value of y decreases quickly as x increases

27 Rate of Change 27 Rate of Change  How fast or how slow something changes  The change that takes place over time RATE = Final - Initial TIME

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