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African American Culture & Immersion Dawn White Lamar University CNDV 5320.

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Presentation on theme: "African American Culture & Immersion Dawn White Lamar University CNDV 5320."— Presentation transcript:

1 African American Culture & Immersion Dawn White Lamar University CNDV 5320

2 Introduction The need for society to become more multicultural is greater than ever. Society as a whole will undoubtedly benefit from the richness of being immersed and understanding cultures other than their own (Baruth & Manning, 2012). Cultural competences is essential in the training and education of effective counselors due to the difficulties that may arise when working with clients of different cultural backgrounds.

3 Overview African American Culture Observation 1 Observation 2 Observation 3 Conclusion Q & A

4 African American Culture The United States includes diverse culture and traditions of a variety of African ethnic groups. The act of slavery greatly restricted many of the cultural traditions that African Americans were able to practice. However, many of the values, beliefs and cultural practice have been able to emerge and become incorporated into many individuals lives today. As a result, the dynamic and creative culture has continued to be influential on American culture and many other cultures around the world.

5 African American Social Structure The largest minority group in the United States. Nuclear families and extended families including non blood relative members. Head of household/decision making roles may be mother or father. A larger percentage of women are college educated and may be unmarried. Older generations tend to be more conservative and may be more unapproving of interracial relationships. There is a great respect for the elder community and often the grandparents often provide care for their grandchildren.

6 A Cultural Immersion Interaction Meet Ms. Colby!!

7 Colby’s Identity and Roles

8 Colby’s Beliefs and Values Colby believes education is the key to overcoming adversity. She also believes there are two types of attitudes and behaviors for individuals to live by. Workers earn their own way. Slackers abuse the system. Success has been identified by goals that are accomplished. Colby sees the difficulties her culture has faced. However she also believes that people can abuse their own culture by pulling a “race card”.

9 Challenges and Celebrations CHALLENGES Colby has been discriminated because of her ethnicity numerous times. There were difficulties growing up in a home on one income. CELEBRATIONS First child in family to graduate from college (and with honors) Fulfilling career that allows her to enrich, educate and encourage students Good health Comfortable lifestyle

10 Houston Museum of African American Culture (HMAAC)

11 Interactions Some interactions in the museum were at the distance and proximity levels. I was able to view African American art at a distance, but I also engaged in conversation about the pieces of art work with an African American man who worked in the museum. Information was shared about the featured artist Christopher Marion Thomas, whose work is on display currently.

12 Exhibit at HMAAC Bert Long Jr. Gallery, showcases emerging artists in an exhibition hall to allow for art work of Houston artists. The exhibition gives the community an opportunity to experience the local African American artists visions The four artist work on display this year are: Christopher Marion Thomas Farrah Smith-Lynch Lakita Costner Mack Bishop

13 Christopher Marion Thomas The work on display by Christopher Marion Thomas was absolutely stunning. The mix between expressions in faith and figuration dug deep into my heart and gave me a sense of feeling from a different perspective.

14 Christopher Marion Thomas The artwork had a combination of text, symbolism and figuration to allow for an interpretations on different levels for many individuals. It most of the displayed artwork, you could sense frustration yet empowerment through the expression.

15 Project Row Houses

16 Project Row Houses The location of the Project Row Houses is in Third Ward in Houston, TX. They are one of the city’s oldest African American neighborhoods. The PRH are now used to allow local African American artists to create a positive image in the community in neighborhood revitalization, historic preservation, community service and youth education.

17 Interactions/Observations Interactions at the Project Row Houses was in the proximity and immersion levels. The community I was in at the time was 100% African American. (speaking of the individuals walking along the street/community and along the PRH) After finding the location, I had to park and walk a little ways to get to the location of the houses. I asked an African American man that was around the location where the entrance was. We had a short conversation about the houses as he asked why I decided to come see them. In the lobby area, I asked questions to the lady working there about the history of the houses, regarding what they used to be. I noticed across from PRH, there were a African American man and woman. From the appearance of the neighborhood, the community looks to be in a poverty level. The individuals I encountered were not modestly dressed. I observed a young woman wearing cutoff shorts and a midriff top along with a man wearing a pair of pants below his rear without a shirt.

18 Conclusion This experience immersing myself into the African American culture was a incredible opportunity that gave me clearer insight into my own personal bias and stereotypes. Many of the stereotypes I have thought in the past were either dispelled or rectified due to the experience of physically being in the situations.

19 Questions & Answers

20 References Baruth, L. G. & Manning, M. L. T. (2012). Multicultural counseling and psychotherapy. (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Houston museum of African American.[Online image]. (2003). Retrieved March 26, 2015 from houston-hosts-the-aam-annual-meeting%E2%80%99s-first- ever-community-service-project houston-hosts-the-aam-annual-meeting%E2%80%99s-first- ever-community-service-project Project row houses in Houston's Third Ward [Online image]. (2010). Retrieved March 27, 2015 from

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