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The Xml Journal Submission System: A Blend Of Change Sholeh Arastoopoor, Ph.D. Department of Evaluation and Collection Development Regional Information.

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Presentation on theme: "The Xml Journal Submission System: A Blend Of Change Sholeh Arastoopoor, Ph.D. Department of Evaluation and Collection Development Regional Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Xml Journal Submission System: A Blend Of Change Sholeh Arastoopoor, Ph.D. Department of Evaluation and Collection Development Regional Information center for Science and Technology (RICeST)

2 Journal Submission Systems  Benefits  Reducing the work load  Standardizing the process  Makes the information coherent and homogeneous  Added value  Makes further analysis/ manipulation possible  Their out put can automatically processed  Their out put can be used in different systems simultaneously (facilitated interaction).

3 Journal Submission Systems (Cont.)  Limitations  Sometimes they are complicated  The data entry task might be time consuming  The data entry should be precise  Challenges  Their maintenance is an ongoing process  There are always new users and they have to be taught how to use the system  They are not always that user friendly

4 ISC  Why?  Region dependent, thus more specific  More visibility, which leads to more use  The higher the usage, the higher the IF  The higher IF, leads to more willingness for authors

5 ISC Journal Submission System  For a bout 3 years  Semi-Automatic journal submission system  Ever increasing work load  A good knowledgebase for migrating  Keeping up with technological trends and standards AND NOW WE HAVE The XML Journal Submission System (β)

6 Previous Submission System


8 XML journal submission system (  )



11 Info.s such as Year, Vol., Number All of them are required

12 0 Defined in previous step New info.s to be provided. Again all of them are required You can provide additional infos.

13 Worksheets where you can define the Papers 1

14 2

15 3

16 4

17 5



20 Sends the XML files to ISC database Gives a copy of XML files to the operator

21 What would be the difference?  Work load Currently about 5 hours a day just for the data entry This means:  Min. 100 hours a month  Min. 1200 h. a year NOW … It’s gone WHY?


23 XML sample

24 XML sample (cont.)

25 This means (from a minimalistic point of view) From a system’s view  Better system interaction  Standard work-flows  Multi-purpose outputs From our view  Faster indexing  Faster online visibility  Faster use  Further use of XML files

26 What would be in near future?  To develop the Arabic Interface  To interact with other systems  SCOPUS  ISI  Better interaction with journals  Those who generate their own XML files  Those who cannot generate their XML files

27 Thank you !

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