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Employer led initiative - voluntary Aimed at building relationships between Logistics Employers and Schools/Colleges across the UK 3 hour workshop delivered.

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Presentation on theme: "Employer led initiative - voluntary Aimed at building relationships between Logistics Employers and Schools/Colleges across the UK 3 hour workshop delivered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employer led initiative - voluntary Aimed at building relationships between Logistics Employers and Schools/Colleges across the UK 3 hour workshop delivered by Employers at a school or college Includes a financial challenge, commercial challenge & session about Logistics This is followed by a 1 hour session held at the Employers business showing around trucks, warehouse & offices It’s led to Career Ready establishing 5 ‘Logistics Academies’ across the UK We aim to deliver Think Logistics sessions to 1,000 young people in 2015 (that’s around 25 workshops) WWW.THINK-LOGISTICS.CO.UK @THINKLOGISTICS1 What is Think Logistics?

2 Raises awareness of our industry / careers available for young people Put Logistics on the career menu of young people – we aren’t now! Develops a potential new recruitment pipeline for your business Opportunities to mentor young people over a 12 month period – develops your employees skillset It raises your profile within the industry & local community Raises aspirations of young people & could make a real difference to their lives Give young people an opportunity to gain employment when they leave school/college WWW.THINK-LOGISTICS.CO.UK @THINKLOGISTICS1 Benefits / Objectives

3 Some of our Supporters

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