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Presentation on theme: "DIABETES CASE PRESENTATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

2nd – Acute complications

2 1. HYPOGLYCEMIA Factors that precipitate or predispose to hypoglycemia: Excessive insulin levels Excessive dosage (error or deliberate overdose) Increased insulin bioavailability Accelerated absorption (exercise, injection into muscle) Renal failure “Honeymoon period” Enhanced insulin effect Increased insulin sensitivity Counter-regulatory hormone deficiencies (Addison’s disease) Weight loss Physical training Postpartum Inadequate carbohydrate intake Other factors Exercise Alcohol Drugs

3 Consequences of decrease in blood glucose level
~ 85 mg/dl inhibition of insulin secretion ~60 – 70 mg/dl acute release of counter-regulatory hormones “alarm” symptoms ~50 – 60 mg/dl cognitive function deterioration (neuroglycopenia) ~20 mg/dl coma/seizure

4 Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia
Adrenergic (Autonomic) Neuroglycopenic tremor palpitations anxiety sweating hunger confusion drowsiness speech difficulty weakness incoordination headache visual disturbance behavior changes convulsions loss of consciousness

5 Clinical classification of hypoglycemia
Mild – patients treat themselves Moderate – patients need assistance from entourage for treatment Severe – patients need medical assistance for treatment (unconscious)

6 Treatment of hypoglycemia
Preventive (avoidance of hypoglycemia): Training in insulin-dose adjustment according to frequent blood glucose monitoring “Blood glucose awareness training” Curative: Conscious patient: Mild hypoglycemia: simple carbohydrates  complex carbohydrates Moderate hypoglycemia: simple carbohydrates  glucagon  complex carbohydrates Unconscious patient: IV glucose (33%, 20%) Glucagon 1 mg SC or IM All unconscious patients with insulin treatment should be treated as for severe hypoglycemia until proved otherwise

DEFINITION: hyperglycemia + hyperketonaemia + metabolic acidosis Hyperglycemia: - Diabetes mellitus - Hyperosmolar non-ketotic hyperglycemia - Stress hyperglycemia - IGT Metabolic acidosis: - Lactic acidosis - Uremic acidosis - Hiperchloric acidosis - Drog-induced acidosis Ketosis: - Alcohol ketosis - Hunger ketosis DKA

8 Pathophysiology of DKA
Relative or total insulin deficiency Lipolisis Protein breakdown Hyperketonemia  Glicogenolisis and neoglucogenesis  alanine and other aminoacids Hyperglycemia and glycosuria Metabolic acidosis  urea Hyperosmolarity Osmotic polyuria Loss of water, K+, PO4-, HCO3- Dehidration Thirst Colaps Arrhythmia Polidipsia COMA

9 Precipitating factors for DKA
Total insulin deficiency: errors and omissions in administrating insulin new cases of diabetes Relative insulin deficiency: acute illnesses: infections macrovascular disease (myocardial infarction, stroke) surgical or traumatic stress endocrine diseases (tireotoxicosis, Cushing’s syndrome) drugs (steroids) pregnancy stress

10 Signs and symptoms of DKA
Signs of dehydration: dry skin and mucosa hypothermia tachicardia arterial hypotension – 10% of cases! polyuria → oligoanuria Respiratory signs: Küssmaul respiration, odour of acetone on pacient’s breath Digestive signs: nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain Neuro-muscular signs: muscular weakness, ↓ / absent reflexes Consciousness: confusion and drowsiness (coma in 10% of cases)

11 Laboratory investigations
hyperglycemia hyperketonemia HCO3- ↓, pH ↓ hydro-electrolytic unbalance anionic gap: (Na+ + K+) – (Cl- + HCO ) ↑ urea hemoconcentration, ↑ WBC glucosuria hyperketonuria ECG  cardiac enzymes chest X-ray abdominal ultrasonography blood, urine and sputum for culture Average hydro-electrolytic losses: fluid: 5 – 10 L (up to 10% of weight) HCO3- : 800 – 1000 mEq K+: 300 – 600 mEq (K+ intracelular → extracelular!) Na+ : 400 – 600 mEq Mg++: 50 – 75 mEq Ca++: 1000 – 1500 mEq P: 75 – 150 mEq

12 Stages of DKA DKA HCO3- (mmol/L) pH Ketosis 21 - 24 normal
Moderate DKA 7,31 – 7,35 Advanced DKA 7,30 – 7,21 Severe DKA ≤ 10 ≤7,20

13 Treatment of ketosis no digestive symptoms
hyperglycemia > 250 – 300 mg/dl (for > 12 hours) → determine ketonuria, monitor blood glucose levels frequently if T2DM with diet and oral drugs→ temporary insulin treatment if T2DM with insulin treatment + moderate ketonuria (+ - ++) → increase doses and /or frequency of insulin injections if T2DM with insulin treatment + marked ketonuria ( ) → → rapid-acting insulin SC every 2 hours until blood glucose level back to normal oral rehydration (salty liquids, electrolytes intake)

14 Treatment of DKA (1) 1. Fluids and electrolytes: Saline: Glucose: KCl:
0 – 1 h = 1000 – 1500 ml 1 – 4 h = 500 – 1000 ml/h Glucose: 5%, 10% when blood glucose level < 250 – 300 mg/dl + rapid acting insulin (1 U/2g glucose or 1 U/3g of glucose) KCl: K > 5 mmol/L : do not add K → monitor! K = 3,5 – 5 mmol/L : 20 mmol/h K < 3,5 mmol/L : 40 mmol/h

15 Treatment of DKA (2) 2. Insulin: 3. Sodium bicarbonate
rapid-acting insulin – IV 0,1 u/kg/h (or continuous intravenous infusion) a decrease of 75 – 100 mg/dl in blood glucose level/hour is sufficient insufficient decrease  increase the dose of insulin 3. Sodium bicarbonate pH < 7,1 give with extreme care pH < 6,9 : max. 600 ml Na HCO3- 1,4% or 100 ml Na HCO3- 8,4% pH = 6,9 – 7 : 300 ml Na HCO3- 1,4 % or 50 ml Na HCO3- 8,4 % pH > 7,1: STOP risc of cerebral oedema!

16 Treatment of DKA (3) 5. Treatment of infections 6. Other measurements
4. Treatment of hypotention if BP < 100 mmHg after 2 h of treatment HHC 100 – 200 mg macromolecular solutions plasma 5. Treatment of infections antibiotics 6. Other measurements oxygen urinary catheter if conscious level impaired or no urine passed after 4 h of treatment nasogastric tube if risc of aspiration heparine 5000u/8h 7. Treatment of precipitating cause

Diagnosis criteria: osmolarity > 350 mOsm/l blood glucose level > 630 mg/dl pH > 7,25 HCO3- > 15 mEq/l extreme dehydration Calculating osmolarity: 2[Na+(mmol/L) + K+(mmol/L)] + glycemia (mmol/L) + urea (mmol/L) 2[Na+(mmol/L) + K+(mmol/L)] + glycemia (mg/dl)/18 + urea (mg/dl)/6


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