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Safety. What safety symbols are most important for this class?

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Presentation on theme: "Safety. What safety symbols are most important for this class?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety

2 What safety symbols are most important for this class?

3 What safety rules are most important for this class?

4 Safety Equipment Locations and Importance Fire Extinguisher Sinks Goggles Safety Shower Eye Wash Gas Valves Cut-off Switches Fire Blanket First Aid Kit Exits

5 Essentials for a fire

6 If on fire...,because

7 First Aid Rules Major Cut Minor Cut Fainting Flame or Heat Burn Chemical Burn

8 While playing in lab, Jittery Janie dropped a glass beaker containing an acidic chemical. Fidgety Flip came to help clean up and cut his hand. Dandy Davey helped his classmates by explaining correct lab precautions and procedure – can you? –Draw the lab safety symbols that should be present. –What first aid should be administered to Fidgety Flip?

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