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ITIS 2110 Final Exam.  Today’s Notes  HW7 Returned  Early grade report  Final Project  End Term Exam.

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Presentation on theme: "ITIS 2110 Final Exam.  Today’s Notes  HW7 Returned  Early grade report  Final Project  End Term Exam."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITIS 2110 Final Exam

2  Today’s Notes  HW7 Returned  Early grade report  Final Project  End Term Exam


4  -1 : first negative noted  -2 : second negative noted  +1 : first beneficial noted  +2 : second beneficial noted  2 pts off each if citations (2) not present

5  Environment  Can be global ▪ e.g. all MS Windows everywhere  Can be local ▪ e.g. a business using Linux for all desktops  Can be software or hardware  MS Office  Cisco network equipment  Intel processors  Gaming systems: PS4s or Xbox One

6  Standards and Protocols are not monocultures  Example:  TCP is a protocol: ▪ Proscribes how to send packets ▪ Different systems use different software to implement the protocol ▪ An error in one implementation would not be seen in a different system  SSH is a standard ▪ OpenSSH is one implementation of that standard ▪ There are others  Intel could be a monoculture ▪ Error in the design of a processor would be seen in all systems using that processor

7  Pluses  Uniformity  ease of use ▪ Lower training costs  Transferability ▪ Easy of interoperability between programs and data  Economy of scale  Negatives  Vulnerability to common attacks  Monopolies ▪ Higher cost ▪ Less innovation  Less freedom for choice of proper solution

8  Monoculture is not an MS problem only  Can be any exclusive system  Best?  No best solution  Choose for the conditions ▪ Business is "uniform" ▪ Monoculture may be the best solution ▪ Ensure to address potential problems  $$$ ▪ Business has various needs ▪ Use the best solution for each need ▪ Spend the $$$ to support the more complex environment ▪ Still need to worry about security

9  Get Monoculture and old labs/HW as you leave

10  All grades will be in Moodle as they get completed  Final Project  End Term Exam  Class grade  Attendance  Bonus papers  …

11  Graded  Will enter grades to Moodle today or tomorrow

12  End Term Exam  About 2:00 – 3:30 pm ▪ 1 ½ hour to complete  Notes:  Questions with the * are from the Mid-Term Exam  Multiple choice ▪ Circle the letter only ▪ Do not write letter ▪ Do not write in left margin  Question 41 (Match) ▪ Write the letter for the match, I will not follow lines  Short Answer ▪ Be clear! ▪ Be sufficient so I know you know the answer ▪ Give details and examples  Essay ▪ Narrowed to 3 choices ▪ Answer only one ▪ Circle the number of the one you are answering ▪ Points deducted if not circled ▪ Answer in Essay Format

13  100 pts  15 - T/F worth 1 pt each (15 total)  15 - Multiple choice worth 2 pt each (30 total) ▪ You may circle the correct answer or use the letter  10 - Fill in the Blank worth 2 pt each (20 total)  1 – Match 5 pts total ▪ 10 correct  5 pts ▪ 8-9  4pts ▪ 6-7  3 ▪ 4-5  2 ▪ 2-3  1 ▪ 0-1  0 ▪ Lines will not be counted, must use letters  3 - Short Answer worth 3-4 pts each (10 total)  1 - Essay worth 20 pts ▪ Be sure to circle the number of the question you are answering  2 – Bonus ▪ 1 point each

14  Opening paragraph  Pose a question to be answered  State a thesis to be substantiated  Support paragraph(s)  1 or more paragraphs supporting your opening paragraph  New paragraph for each new idea  Closing paragraph  Summarize what you have just argued  Grade will be 10/10  10 points for technical content  10 points for quality of writing  Points off if not in Essay Format!!!  ¶ is your friend!

15  6 Total Pages  Cover + 5 test pages  No electronic devices!  Laptops, Headphones, Cell Phones, MP3s, etc.  Name on cover and 1 st page  Answer “all” questions!  You might get lucky  When you leave the room you are done!  Write legibly!  Use T and F (capitals) for true/false  Circles letter on Multiple Choice  Do not write in left margin  If you need more room:  Write on back of the page  Clearly indicate the if and where the answer is continued  Circle # for which essay you are answering  Points off if not circled!  Answer only one!

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