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Spelling Words Theme 1 Week 2. n o t Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word. This is not my pencil.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling Words Theme 1 Week 2. n o t Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word. This is not my pencil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling Words Theme 1 Week 2

2 n o t

3 Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word. This is not my pencil.

4 a

5 The box has a bow. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

6 m a t

7 The cat sat on the mat. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

8 m a s k

9 He had a green mask. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

10 g o

11 I go to school. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

12 o n

13 The cat sat on the mat. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

14 c a n

15 I can read a book. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

16 s a d

17 The baby boy is sad. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

18 j u m p

19 I can jump high. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

20 t a g

21 I play tag with my friends. Read the sentence and then circle the spelling word.

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