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Juhan’s Weight vs Freq of Sex. lots of books on design guidelines, apis, usability, forms, css...

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Presentation on theme: "Juhan’s Weight vs Freq of Sex. lots of books on design guidelines, apis, usability, forms, css..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Juhan’s Weight vs Freq of Sex


3 lots of books on design guidelines, apis, usability, forms, css...

4 We need an INTERFAC E DESIGN field guide. for the craftsman less words, more visuals real examples free constantly evolving <100 pages

5 Data Let data scream Reality Bites Feedback Prototype like crazy Pixel Perfect Bitch! Loud and often Eat your own dog food Date your users Layout Grid it Type less + less type Color carefully Interaction What interface? Repeat customers ROCK Deja vu all over again INTERFAC E DESIGN TENETS

6 Let data scream

7 Just say no. Ink and lines scream Data disappears Low data-to-ink ratio

8 Clear, data-dense display NYTimes


10 38 %


12 Fake data = fake design Use real data Ban Lorem Ipsum Text is Interface Don’t fake it

13 What interface?

14 Manipulate the data, not the interface Over time, you don’t notice the interface What interface?

15 Repeat customers ROCK

16 Make a service ROCK: for the repeat, more experienced user, for the novice, and finally for inexperienced users. 1 st 2 nd 3 rd you want experienced users to: tell their friends about it demand other services to hook into it make their work products better make users happy (by being efficient) purchase upgrades, future products

17 Users’ voice is a part of Design... whether you like it or not. Learn to bitch Learn to listen Loud and often Bitch!

18 Bitch! Loud and often Rescue Time

19 Health Open source Energy Voting

20 Interface to Energy Out of sight, out of mind photo by Adventure Ken


22 Data Let data scream Reality Bites Feedback Prototype like crazy Pixel Perfect Bitch! Loud and often Eat your own dog food Date your users Layout Grid it Type less + less type Color carefully Interaction What interface? Repeat customers ROCK Deja vu all over again INTERFAC E DESIGN TENETS

23 interfacedesigntenets.wikia.or g Juhan Sonin BE A CO-AUTHOR Chris Johnson Paul Kroft Mike Nosal Jenn Reed Harry Sleeper Juhan Sonin Brian Staats

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