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Oceans and climate: an OCCAM perspective Andrew C. Coward 1 Large Scale modelling team James Rennell Division for Ocean Circulation and Climate Southampton.

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Presentation on theme: "Oceans and climate: an OCCAM perspective Andrew C. Coward 1 Large Scale modelling team James Rennell Division for Ocean Circulation and Climate Southampton."— Presentation transcript:


2 Oceans and climate: an OCCAM perspective Andrew C. Coward 1 Large Scale modelling team James Rennell Division for Ocean Circulation and Climate Southampton Oceanography Centre 1 OCCAM team: David J. Webb, Beverly de Cuevas, Yevgeny Askenov Isopycnic team: Adrian New, Yanli Jia, Alex Megann, Bob Marsh

3 Outline The ocean's role in climate Current concerns and uncertainties The OCCAM global ocean model Computational aspects Post-processing requirements The way ahead

4 Major components of the climate system From Crowley and North 1991

5 Timescales for different components of the climate system From Crowley and North 1991

6 The Earth's radiation and energy budget

7 Latitudinal distribution of net radiation +ve


9 A typical overturning streamfunction (Sv) Depth (m) LatitudeNorthSouth Global Atlantic only




13 Z-level ocean general circulation models Bryan-Semtner-Cox 1969, 1974, 1984

14 Z-level ocean general circulation models Bryan-Semtner-Cox 1969, 1974, 1984 Fine Resolution Antarctic Model (FRAM) 1988-1992 Cray XMP/YMP autotasking parallelism 8 processors memory slab window with SSD asynchronous "putwa's and getwa's"

15 Z-level ocean general circulation models Bryan-Semtner-Cox 1969, 1974, 1984 Fine Resolution Antarctic Model (FRAM) 1988-1992 GFDL Modular Ocean Model (1990, 1994,1999)

16 Z-level ocean general circulation models Bryan-Semtner-Cox 1969, 1974, 1984 Fine Resolution Antarctic Model (FRAM) 1988-1992 GFDL Modular Ocean Model (1990, 1994,1999) Parallel Ocean Program (POP) 1992- OCCAM (1994-

17 OCCAM model development route

18 Performance comparison: OCCAM vs JAMSTEC (MOM 2) OCCAM : 1/4x1/4 o truly global ocean model, 36 vertical levels requires: 24 hours per model year using 128 T3E processors JAMSTEC : 1/4x1/4 o ocean model 75 o S to 75 o N, 55 vertical levels requires: 108 hours per model year using 10 NEC SX-4 processors suggesting: 1 SX-4 node = 4-5 T3E processors

19 OCCAM 1/4 x 1/4 o global ocean model Bryan-Cox + Twin-grids for truly global coverage. Pacanowski and Philander vertical mixing Free surface code Improved advection scheme (modified split-quick) Improved vertical advection of momentum Re-written for massively parallel processing. 14 model years integration with monthly mean winds (ECMWF, 1986-88 climatology) Starting from rest with Levitus '82 climatological values. 4 years with relaxation at all depths (initially to Levitus '82, Levitus '94 after day 180) Monthly mean Levitus values used to relax surface temperature towards climatology Salinity difference converted to a freshwater flux which affects the sea surface height. Full restarts saved every 15 days throughout; Every 3 days for last 2 years Other runs include: 5 year control run with 6 hourly ECMWF wind-stresses and pressure (1992 onwards) 5 year run with 6 hourly ECMWF wind-stresses and assimilation of T/P altimeter data True "running means" stored at 5 day intervals. OCCAM 1/8 x 1/8o global ocean model: Started from 8 model year state of the 1/4 o model Two model-year integration completed, Full restarts saved every 10 days

20 Sea surface temperature: OCCAM 1/4x1/4 o global model

21 SOC-CSIRO Ocean Atmosphere ProgrammE (SCOAPE) Top-level communication subroutines in use between SCOAPE components

22 Compute resources At SOC: 400GB on-line data 12 processor Origin 2000 Large memory SGI R10,000 and Sun Ultra 10 workstations National centre (Manchester): O(1TB) near-line storage O(100GB) on-line 776 Processor Cray-T3E 1200 16 processor Origin 2000 post-processing machine 8 processor Fujitsu VPP300

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