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Aaron Goode Fred Layne. Temperature & Climate Depends on the location Climate isn’t really an issue Average temperature is 39*F.

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Presentation on theme: "Aaron Goode Fred Layne. Temperature & Climate Depends on the location Climate isn’t really an issue Average temperature is 39*F."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aaron Goode Fred Layne

2 Temperature & Climate Depends on the location Climate isn’t really an issue Average temperature is 39*F

3 Marine Regions Covers three-fourth of the Earth Consists of 5 major oceans Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Arctic Ocean Antarctic Ocean Pacific Ocean

4 Interesting Facts Marine biome is the largest biome

5 Marine Biome Food Web

6 Biotic Factors in The Marine Biome Sea anemones Fungi Whales Fish Mollusks Crustaceans Kelp Plankton Algae Seaweed

7 The Abyssal Zone Deepest region of the marine Air is highly pressurized

8 Food Pyramid

9 Competition Occurs when two niches overlap

10 Adaptation This the method of animals cooperating with their living conditions.

11 Human Influence and Impact Pollution from power plants Fishing Oil Spills

12 Travel Destination A cruise to the Bahamas.

13 Quiz What oceans does the Marine biome consist of? Name two animals and two plants in the Marine biome. What are the four zones that the Marine biome is broken into? What’s the deepest area in this biome? Name a human impact on this biome. Where was travel location going to be?

14 Citation Page

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