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He helped India gain independence through nonviolent means: passive resistance and civil disobedience A general rise in the standard of living as goods,

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Presentation on theme: "He helped India gain independence through nonviolent means: passive resistance and civil disobedience A general rise in the standard of living as goods,"— Presentation transcript:

1 He helped India gain independence through nonviolent means: passive resistance and civil disobedience A general rise in the standard of living as goods, medicine and employment improve life To rebalance the power of Europe after Napoleon's conquests A return to traditional values Usually referring to Religious values What is Fundamentalism? (red US book) A long term effect of Industrialization has been… What was the goal of the Congress of Vienna? Who was Gandhi and what did he do?

2 A centralized Government is well organized with one single leader: Autocratic nations (King Louie XVI, Peter the Great, etc. ) Byzantine Empire: Law codes, orthodox Christianity, Onion Domes MountainsMesopotamia What is the name of the civilization that developed along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers? The division of the Roman Empire led to the creation of the ___________ empire. How is the geography of China, Tibet and the Inca empire similar? What is a centralized government? Explain and give an example.

3 Trading Systems Review

4 Trade and Geography Some geographic features allow for more trade, particularly waterways like rivers, lakes and oceans. Other geographic features limit trade. Names 2 geographic features that limit trade: -Mountains -Deserts -Islands (limited until boats) -Jungles/ forests All trading causes Cultural Diffusion, or the exchange of ideas and technologies. Benefits: New Ways of doing things, goods, belief systems Negatives: Dangerous, high prices, disease spread

5 Major Trade routes Major trade routes of the distant past include the Silk Road, Monsoon Marketplace, West Saharan trade routes and the Mediterranean sea routes. Later routes include the Triangle Trade and Columbian Exchange.

6 Silk Road 1:04- 3:55 And 6:28-9:15 The Silk road went from China to the Mediterranean region. The silk road trade increased during the Pax Mongolia, but led to the Black Death. Fleas on rats and gerbils caused the population to die.

7 Monsoon Marketplace Though technically still a part of the Silk Road, the Monsoon Marketplace takes place on the Indian Ocean. Monsoon winds are predictable and would push ships towards markets and home again at predictable times. 2:20-

8 Mediterranean Trade The Ancient Romans dominated trade along the Mediterranean Sea. The Romans even defeated the Carthaginians to remain the dominate force of trade. Eventually, the Egyptians and Romans both traded along the Mediterranean Sea.

9 West Saharan Trade West Saharan trade connected West Africa to the Mediterranean. Mansa Musa, of Mali, helped create a powerful trading empire with Timbuktu as a center of learning and commerce. To trade in the arid desert climate, the traders relied on Camels. 1:25--

10 Dark Ages= No Trade Despite centuries of robust trade along the Mediterranean by the Roman, Byzantine and other Empires, the Europeans enter a dark age with no trade or education following the fall of Rome. Cut off from trade, the Europeans resort to strict religion, feudalism (manors) and decentralized government.

11 Crusades lead to trade As the Dark Ages drag on, European devotion to the church remained high. In the Middle East, the Byzantine Empire began to crumble, and the Arabs seized control of the Holy City of Jerusalem. Soon, the Pope demanded Catholics head to the Holy Land and re-capture it for the Christians. Despite holding power for a short while, the Christians did not gain long term control of Jerusalem. While the goal was not accomplished, the Christians did bring back numerous goods that created a demand for trade.

12 Age of Exploration Since the crusades had failed to take the middle East, the Europeans could no longer safely trade through that area. Yet, the demand for goods in Europe was Indian Markets.

13 Cape of Good Hope The contributions of Prince Henry, Bartholomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama resulted in the first successful round trip to India by ship. This trip was very successful, quicker, safer and cheaper than land travel. The Cape of Good Hope is located near South Africa.

14 Columbian Exchange Inspired by the success of the Da Gama, other countries quickly followed suite. The Spanish even gambled on a man named Christopher Columbus and a crazy idea. Columbus would sail West, around the world to India. However, along the way he was stopped by the American Continents. His discovery brought more food to Europe, which increased population. 0:00-3:53 and 6:00-9:11 As the Spanish took control over South and Central America, they instituted the Encomienda System. This social structure was based solely on race:

15 Triangle Trade As more people settled in the Americas and the natives died, a new labor source was needed. Soon, African men, women and children were being transported along the Middle Passage to America to be slaves. Mercantilism- Colonies exist for the economic benefit of the mother nation

16 Globalization Improved technology and transportation systems have caused Globalization. Nearly every part of the world partakes in trade with other nations. This Global economy relies on the 3 rd world nations as labor and markets, and on 1 st world nations for services and education.

17 Interdependence Interdependence is the dependence of people on goods, resources and knowledge from other parts of the world. Interdependence continues today due to rapid exchange of ideas, goods and services throughout the world. An example of interdependence is Great Britain importing American automobiles, Indian tea and oil from the Middle East.

18 European Union and NAFTA To help promote world trade, organizations like the EU and NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement) help reduce tariff disputes, border issues and create easier trade between the members.

19 OPEC To safeguard business issues, some industries have bonded together to be more powerful and gain benefits. OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) has bonded together to set prices for oil. Together these nations can severely hurt the US and other nations by reducing or restricting trade.

20 Canals Canals are man made waterways that are made to connect two bodies of water. Typically, these canals result in faster and cheaper trade: SuezPanamaGrand Egypt Connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas Travelers don’t need to go South of Africa (Cape of Good Hope) to travel the Indian Ocean Panama Connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Travelers don’t need to go South of South America (Straight of Magellan) China Ancient Canal united Chinese empire Trade occurred along major Chinese cities along canal Suez Canal connects Mediterranean and Red Seas The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans The Grand Canal connected the Ancient Chinese Empire

21 Movement of People and Goods Essay Theme: Movement of People and Goods: Trade Trade routes and trade organizations have had an impact on nations and regions. The effects have been both positive and negative. Task: Identify two trade routes and/or trade organizations and for each Explain one reason for the establishment of the trade route or trade organization Discuss one positive effect or one negative effect of the trade route or trade organization on a specific nation or region

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