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Introduction to Civil Rights Movement Explain, describe and identify key events in the Civil Rights Movement.

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1 Introduction to Civil Rights Movement Explain, describe and identify key events in the Civil Rights Movement

2 Unit 10 Civil Rights vocabulary 1.Gov. Orval Faubus - Sent troops to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas to prevent black students from entering. 2.Earl Warren- Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during the Brown V. Board of Education case 3.Thurgood Marshall- Lawyer for the Brown family in Brown v. Board of Education 4.Riot- This happened in Watts section of Los Angeles in 1965 5.“Letter From Birmingham Jail”- Written by King. Reaffirmed African Americans efforts. Efforts to press for Civil Rights using non-violence. 6.Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas- Supreme Court case which ruled that segregating public schools students was unconstitutional. 7.March in Selma, Alabama- Focused on voting issues. Marches were attacked by police the first time they attempted to march. The second time they were protected by troops. 8.Plessy v. Ferguson- Supreme Court case which ruled “separate but equal facilities” was legal and Constitutional. 9.Southern Christian Leadership Conference- Group formed by King and other ministers to help teach Civil Rights workers what to do. 10.Freedom Riders- Rode buses throughout the south testing the law that ordered no more segregation on buses. 11.NAACP- Group formed in 1909 by WEB Dubois to fight for African American equality of rights.

3 12.15th Amendment- Guarantees voting rights regardless of race. 13.Passive Resistance and Civil Disobedience- Methods of protesting which involve breaking a law or rule peacefully. 14.CORE- Civil Rights group associated with Freedom Rides. 15.March on Washington, DC- King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial. 16.SNCC- Civil Rights group associated with Sit-ins 17.14th Amendment- Makes every person born in the U.S. a citizen. Promises “equal protection under the law” to all U.S. Citizens. 18.Freedom Summer- When civil rights workers traveled through the south helping African Americans register to vote. 19.Martin Luther King Jr – Civil rights leader. Famous for his passive resistance against segregated facilities and his “I have a dream….” speech. 20.Rosa Parks- She would not give up her seat. This led to the Montgomery bus boycott, organized protests, sit-ins, marches and the Freedom riders. 21.Malcolm X - Militant leader who embraced the nation of Islam, rejected integration, and wanted a separate African American society. Later he denounced these ideas.

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