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Martin Luther King. He was born in Atlanta, in 1929. He was an African -American leader, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action.

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2 Martin Luther King. He was born in Atlanta, in 1929. He was an African -American leader, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action. He directed the peaceful march in Washington DC and said the speech “I have a dream”. He received the Nobel Price and he was assassinated in 1968. Rosa Parks. She was born in Alabama. In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger. She died in 2005, she was 92 years old. Lous Armstrong. He was born in 1901 in New Orleans in a very poor family. His father abandoned the family when he was born. He is one of the most famous musician, specially jazz music. He died in 1971.

3 Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. He is from USA. He has an older sister and a younger brother. He studies Sociology and Theology in different Universities in USA. He marries Coreta Scott and he has four children. He is the youngest man receiving the Nobel Price. He writes the speech “I have a dream”, he wants freedom and no differences between black and white people. On August 28, 1963 he is the leader of the peaceful march to Washington DC where he reads the speech “I have a dream”. Martin Luther King was assesinated in Memphis, Tenesse on April 4, 1968. American people remember MLK’s birthday every year on the third Monday of January.



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