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English 201: Research in the Disciplines Click on: Subject Guides, then “Research in the Disciplines”

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1 English 201: Research in the Disciplines Click on: Subject Guides, then “Research in the Disciplines”

2 Introductions What is your status at Pace?  Transfer? Sophomore? Junior? Have you attended a library orientation before? With what class? Do you have a library barcode? Do you have an ILLiad account?

3 Our goals for today:  Know where to find Reference tools in your subject area.  Recognize the Call Number area that corresponds to your discipline.  Choose an appropriate database in which to conduct your research.  Understand the kinds of advanced features that library databases offer.  Know where to locate scholarly journals published in your field of study.

4 Disciplines and Research Taking a particular disciplinary perspective on a topic is important to your research because:  Libraries (public and academic) are organized by discipline.  Many electronic search tools (i.e. library databases) are discipline-specific.

5 Reference Tools Great starting points, leads to other sources See handout, or search the library catalog by Keyword, limiting your location to “Birnbaum Reference” Note the Call Numbers! Try the Gale Virtual Reference Library database

6 The Pace Library Catalog Contains information about items in all Pace University Library locations Request items from other campuses for delivery Connect NY – request items from a group of academic libraries in NY state

7 Scholarly Journal Sources What is a scholarly journal? Where do you find them?  Subject-specific databases  General databases, with search limited to Scholarly or “peer reviewed”  JSTOR  Directory of Open Access Journals  Google Scholar

8 Choosing a Database Things to think about:  Subject content  Date coverage  Type of information contained  Availability of items (do you need/want full text?)

9 Using a Database Educate yourself about its basic functionality (is there online help?) Use advanced search capabilities  Combining search terms using AND and OR  Truncation Make note of subjects the databases uses to describe articles related to your topic Rephrase your search to find more articles

10 Finding Articles Use the service to determine the subscription status of the journal in which an article appeared. If we do not subscribe to the journal, InterLibrary Loan - ILLiad  Articles will be e-mailed when possible

11 Citation Formats MLA format is often used in the Humanities APA format is used in the sciences and sometimes in the social sciences Chicago and Turabian format are also used in the social sciences

12 Elements of an MLA Article Citation To cite a full text article from a library database: Lessig, Lawrence. “Privacy as Property.” Social Research 69 (2002): 247-269. Academic Search Premier. Ebsco. Pace Univ. Library, Pleasantville, NY. 27 Jan 2005.

13 Elements of an APA article citation To cite a full-text item from a library database: Shrier, I. (2003). Tai chi retards bone loss and improves muscle strength. Physician & Sportsmedicine, 31, 16- 7. Retrieved October 11, 2004 from Health Source Nursing/Academic database.

14 Elements of a Chicago citation To cite a full-text article from a library database: Provenzo, Eugene F., Jr. "Time Exposure." Educational Studies 34, no. 2 (2003): 266-67.

15 Good Luck With Your Research! Pace University Library Home Page: Birnbaum Library Reference Desk: (212) 346-1331

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