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April 18, 2012 Conic Sections Intro - Parabola Warm-up: Write the quadratic equation in vertex form and identify the vertex. 1.y = x 2 – 6x + 11 2. y =

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Presentation on theme: "April 18, 2012 Conic Sections Intro - Parabola Warm-up: Write the quadratic equation in vertex form and identify the vertex. 1.y = x 2 – 6x + 11 2. y ="— Presentation transcript:

1 April 18, 2012 Conic Sections Intro - Parabola Warm-up: Write the quadratic equation in vertex form and identify the vertex. 1.y = x 2 – 6x + 11 2. y = 3x 2 + 6x – 4

2 Check HW 8.1 If you did not check your answers in the back of the book, check your answers with someone in your group who did.

3 Conic Sections are images that are formed by slicing a plane through through a double cone.

4 The first section we will study is the parabola.

5 A parabola can be defined as the set of all points in a plane that are the same distance from a given point called the focus and a given line called the directrix. The standard equation (aka vertex form) of a parabola is: y = a(x – h) 2 + k If a > 0, then it opens up If a < 0, then It opens down Vertex: (h, k) Axis of symmetry: x = h Focus: Directrix:

6 Example 1: Identify the parts of the parabola by looking at the equation y = a(x – h) 2 + k If a > 0, then it opens up If a < 0, then It opens down Vertex: (h, k) Axis of symmetry: x = h Focus: Directrix: y = -2(x + 4) 2 – 1 Direction of Opening: Vertex: Axis of Symmetry Focus: down (-4, -1) x = 4 (-4, -9/8) Directrix:y = -7/8 Identify a = h = k = -2-4 “Is it in standard form?”

7 Practice: Identify coordinates of the vertex and focus, the equations of the axis of symmetry and directrix, and the direction of opening of the parabola with the given equation. y = (x – 4) 2 + 3 a = h = k = Opens up Vertex: (4, 3) Focus: (4, 13/4) Axis of sym: x = 4 Directrix: y = 11/4 “Is it in standard form?”

8 What if it’s not in Standard Form/Vertex Form? Example 2a: Write in standard form, then identify each part of the parabola. y = x 2 + 6x – 4 y = (x 2 + 6x + ) - 4 – y = (x + 3) 2 – 13 You try: y = x 2 + 4x – 15 Use completing the square 99

9 What if it’s not in Standard Form/Vertex Form? Example 2b: Write in standard form, then identify each part of the parabola. y = 3x 2 + 6x – 4 y = 3(x 2 + 2x + ) − 4 – y = 3(x + 1) 2 – 7 You try: y = -2x 2 + 4x – 15 Use completing the square 1 3

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