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TA 101: Technical Arts II Dr. Prishati Raychowdhury

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1 TA 101: Technical Arts 2015-16 II Dr. Prishati Raychowdhury
Department of Civil Engineering IIT Kanpur Office: FB 336; Phone: 6692

2 Engineering Drawing Basics
Lecture 2 Engineering Drawing Basics

3 Section-wise Lab Schedule
Day Sections Monday B4, B5, B6 Tuesday B1, B2, B3 Wednesday B7, B8, B9 Thursday B10, B11, B12

4 Section-wise Tutor Details
SL. No. Section Day Tutor Dept Tel. Office Location 1 B1 Tue Ms. Nidhi Sharma AE 2 B2 Dr. Ashish Dutta ME 7562 FB 338 3 B3 Dr. Ishan Sharma 6152 NL 102 4 B4 Mon Mr. Yasar Arafath 5 B5 Mr. Rahul Oarath 6 B6 Dr. Amritanshu Sriwastava CE 7 B7 Wed Dr. Tarun Gupta 7128 FB 310 8 B8 Dr. Ashu Jain 7411 FB 315 9 B9 Dr. B L Sharma 6173 FB 356 10 B10 Thu Mr. Subhabrata Koley 11 B11 Mr. Sarthak Sambit Singh 12 B12 Dr. Mukesh Sharma 7759 WLE 302

5 Reminder: Things to do before your first lab
Purchase the “Instruction Manual” from Copy Point Purchase all the instruments Prepare the free-hand solutions for Laboratory Assignment 1 and bring it to the lab Bring A3 sheet to do lab#1 on it to the drawing hall. You are NOT required to submit the Home Assignment 1 next week Home Assignment 1 is due in the week of Jan 11th to 15th Lectures are available in

6 How to setup a drafter Tape the black back sheet to the board

7 Set up the drafter

8 Move the sheet around such that the drafter is able to reach the entire area

9 Identify the final position and tape the sheet securely

10 Drawing Basics

11 Scale How would you draw a 20 m high building on your drawing sheet? Or a 100 m long bridge?

12 Scale 1:2, 1:5, 1:10 etc Note: Actual dimension are always written on drawings Note: A drawing should always mention the SCALE

13 Some basic geometric shapes

14 Some basic geometric shapes
Pyramids Cylinders & Cones

15 Basic conic surfaces Parabola Circle Ellipse Hyperbola

16 Importance of drawing an ellipse
A circle looks as an ellipse when viewed at an angle Sharp edges are connected by arcs

17 Ellipse: Basics Ellipse is a curve generated by a point moving such that the sum of its distance from the focuses (focii) is equal to the major diameter AB : Major diameter DE : Minor diameter F1, F2 : Focii

18 Ellipse: Basics P Q N M A C D B • Any line through the center of an ellipse may serve as one of a pair of conjugate diameters. • Two diameters are said to be conjugate when each diameter is parallel to the tangents at the ends of the other diameter. • AB and CD are a pair of conjugate diameters: AB // MN, PQ and CD //MP, NQ. • A given ellipse may have an unlimited number of pairs of conjugate diameters.

19 Conjugate Diameter Method
• From S, P, etc. draw lines parallel to QD and from S', P', etc. draw lines parallel to ER. Q S • Conjugate diameters AB and DE given. P • Draw a circle with AB as diameter. O • Draw OQ perpendicular to AB. • Intersection of lines through P & P', S & S', etc. give points on the ellipse. • From a number of points on either side of Q, such as P and S, draw perpendiculars PP', SS', etc. to AB. P’ S’ R An approx method

20 Concentric Circle Method
P θ 2b 2a An exact method

21 Parallelogram Method D G 3 • Can be used either with the major
and minor diameters or with any pair of conjugate diameters. 2 • Through these points draw lines from D and E as shown. 1 O A 1 2 3 B E • On the given diameters construct a parallelogram. • Their intersections will be points on the ellipse. D G 3 2 • Divide AO into any number of equal parts and AG into the same number of equal parts, numbering points from A. 1 Conjugate diameters O A B 1 2 3 E An exact method

22 4-Centered Method A’ P D F A B O Q S E R An approx method

23 Constructional geometry
Draw a rhombus and inscribe an ellipse inside it (APPROXIMATE): 2 • Mark mid points of all sides as A,B,C,& D. • Taking 1 as center and 1-A radius draw an arc AB. • Join these points to the ends of smaller diagonals. 3 4 • Take 2 as center draw an arc CD and so on. • Mark points 1,2,3,4 as four centers. 1

24 Construction of A Parabola
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 5 4 3 2 1

25 Polygons: Hexagon Circumscribing circle Inscribing circle d d 60
Vertex-to-vertex distance Distance between flats

26 Polygons: Octagon

27 Polygons: Septagon or any regular polygon
Given a side 3 4 2 5 6 7 B A

28 Thank you..

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