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Morphology Cont. Functions pg 136-7 Clark Derivational –Morphemes that alter the meaning –In English prefixes or suffixes Inflectional –Grammatical relationship/information.

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Presentation on theme: "Morphology Cont. Functions pg 136-7 Clark Derivational –Morphemes that alter the meaning –In English prefixes or suffixes Inflectional –Grammatical relationship/information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morphology Cont

2 Functions pg 136-7 Clark Derivational –Morphemes that alter the meaning –In English prefixes or suffixes Inflectional –Grammatical relationship/information –In English all suffixes

3 Inflectional or Derivational? The {-er} in “bigger” The {-ment} in “judgment” The {un-} in “unkind” The {-ing} in “walking” The {-er} in “golfer” The {-en} in “darken”

4 Hierarchy Words are formed in steps When more than one affix = more than one step Represent hierarchical structure with “trees” –Shows steps

5 Trees –Think  thinkable  unthinkable A unthinkable

6 Ambiguity What does unlockable mean? –Meaning 1: capable of being unlocked –Meaning 2: can’t be locked {un- 1 } A  A (‘not’) –Unhappy, unthinkable {un- 2 } V  V (reverse the action of V) –Untie, undo, unscrew

7 A closer look at ambiguity un- lock -able V A A A can be unlocked cannot be locked

8 Allomorphy English Plural Written two ways –“cats”, “dogs”, “bicycles”, “wars” –“bushes”, “walruses”, “watches” Pronounced three ways –[s] –[z] –[´z]

9 Allomorphy “cows” “flamingos” “toads” “partridges” “snakes” “ostriches” “giraffes” “apes”

10 Allomorphy [s] [z] [´z]

11 Allomorphy /z/ {-z}{-s} {´z} z  s / voiceless consonant __ z  ´z / frication __ z  z / elsewhere

12 How to do a morphology problem –Examine your data Don’t be confused by unfamiliar symbols. You are looking for patterns in form and meaning. –Choose two similar items Maybe they differ by only one or two symbols –Check the glosses for those items The glosses for those similar items will differ slightly (perhaps in tense or subject). –Make a hypothesis Hypothesize as to the difference in form and its relationship to the difference in meaning. –Test your hypothesis Use other data to confirm or reject your hypothesis

13 Kanuri (a language spoken in Western Africa) gana“small” kura“big” kurugu“long” numkura“bigness” numgana“smallness” numkurugu“length” First, examine your data…

14 Choose two similar items gana kura kurugu numkura numgana numkurugu

15 Check the glosses for those items gana kura“big” kurugu numkura“bigness” numgana numkurugu Can you make a hypothesis based on this pair of words?

16 Test your hypothesis gana“small” kura“big” kurugu“long” numkura“bigness” numgana“smallness” numkurugu“length”

17 Conclusion

18 Hanunoo (a language spoken in the Philippines) usa“one” usahi“make it one!” duwa“two” duwahi“make it two!” upat“four” upati“make it four!” unum“six” unumi“make it six!”

19 Choose two similar items ‘usa ‘usahi duwa duwahi ‘upat ‘upati ‘unum ‘unumi

20 Check the glosses for those items ‘usa ‘usahi duwa“two” duwahi“make it two!” ‘upat ‘upati ‘unum ‘unumi Can you make a hypothesis??

21 Test your hypothesis ‘usa“one” ‘usahi“make it one!” duwa“two” duwahi“make it two!” ‘upat“four” ‘upati“make it four!” ‘unum“six” ‘unumi“make it six!”

22 Make a new hypothesis and test it ‘usa“one” ‘usahi“make it one!” duwa“two” duwahi“make it two!” ‘upat“four” ‘upati“make it four!” ‘unum“six” ‘unumi“make it six!”

23 Conclusion

24 Arabic fasara“she/he discovered” fassara“she/he explained” thakara“she/he remembered” thakkara“she/he reminded” bala’a“she/he reached” balla’a“she/he brought”

25 Conclusion Infix –reduplicate C2 –“causative” action is shifted from doer to receiver

26 Homework Due Monday 9/27

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