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7:30 Friday, October 5 AT&T LTE 11:11 PM slide to unlock.

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Presentation on theme: "7:30 Friday, October 5 AT&T LTE 11:11 PM slide to unlock."— Presentation transcript:

1 7:30 Friday, October 5 AT&T LTE 11:11 PM slide to unlock

2 ArtistsAlbumsSongsPlalistsMore Inbox Mailboxes Edit -0:32 0:01 1 of 1 Afrojack 2010 (Oliver Twizt Remix) Essential Mix (2012-01-28)

3 Updates Back Done Search ACTION Instasave HD Version 2.0 What is new? Instasave HD ON OFF Label

4 MailMessagePhoto Stream Twitter Facebook Assign to Contact Print Copy Use as wallpaper Cancel AT&T LTE 11:11 PM

5 Get off at Market St & 4th St... NearbyUpdate Directions 1 Stockton St 1.6 mi 22 min Walking + Transit Share these directions to 1 Stockton St AT&T LTE 11:11 PM

6 47% FromtoSubjectAll Start: Current Location FromItem Button Label Two Lines Button Label Cancel

7 Button

8 Back Option Name Section Information Section Title Option Name Line for description and help goes here. Selected Option ON

9 Dialog Box Title Dialog text message goes here, and second line goes here Cancel OK Dialog Box Title Text Field Label Cancel OK Message Box Title A message that is too long can cause scrolling, which is not a good user experience, but it also... OK

10 0 1 3 4 4 5 7 8 2 hours6 minutes Wed Nov 9 Thu Nov 10 Today Sat Nov 12 Sun Nov 13 4 5 7 6 8 00 PM AM 50 05 10

11 4 5 7 6 8 00 PM AM 50 05 10 United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States US Minor Outlying Isl. Uruguay

12 Done Item Delete Done1 of 15

13 Button

14 + 1 of 15 3G 7:11 PM Back Done Delete Home Toolbar Label Downloading 34 of 67 Item Button

15 L item M item M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # N item N O item O

16 12 3 45 6 7 89 0 Enter your password

17 RadioButton Checkbox Option Text Box Text Area

18 9 99 ON OFF SelectCopyPaste 1234

19 Location Label

20 12 3 45 6 7 89 0# * Call (123) 456-7890

21 Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Bold hyperlink List item 1 List item 2 List item 3 1. List item 1 2. List item 2 3. List item 3 Sample text, in size of 24pt.

22 Contact Name Messages This is awesome! I can create iPhone prototypes without needing a designer or a developer! This is awesome! I can create iPhone prototypes without needing a designer or a developer! Q WE R T Y U I OP A S D F G Z X CVB H JKL N M Space.,123 Send 3G 7:11 PM

23 Auto Cancel

24 Button 3G 7:11 PM

25 7:26 am Notification Title Notification snippet line 1 Notification snippet line 2 Facebook Amir Khella Amir Khella commented on his post: how to create an interactive iPhone prototype Amir Khella commented on his post: how to create an interactive iPhone prototype Application Name Notification Title Notification snippet line 1 Notification snippet line 2 Notification Title Notification snippet line 1 Notification snippet line 2

26 July 2012 Today List DayMonth All Calendars Calendar SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 29 30311 2 34 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930 12

27 9 Call 1 FavoritesRecentsContactsKeypadVoicemail 12 3 45 6 7 89 0# * (123) 456-7890 ABCDEF GHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ AT&T LTE 11:11 PM

28 1 Lonely Boy 3:13 2 Dead and Gone 3:41 3 Gold on the Ceiling 3:44 The Black Keys Now Playing The Black Keys El Camino Released 2011 11 Songs, 39 Mins. The Black...

29 Options Off Amir 6:25 PM Welcome to Keynotopia AT&T LTE 11:11 PM

30 I updated your Facebook status. Ready to post it? I am sick of this rain. Facebook CancelPost

31 iAd Test Advertisement

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