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Better Relationships Through Effective Social Events.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Relationships Through Effective Social Events."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Relationships Through Effective Social Events

2 Stephen Burt Past SED President 2009-2011 Southeast District Leadership Conference

3 Building Relationships Many facets of building relationships Communication Spending Time Together TrustFaithDependability

4 In Tau Beta Sigma Chapter Relationships With nearby chapters. Within the District With other chapters in the nation. Individual Relationships Within the band. Within the chapter. With Membership Candidates

5 How can we build better relationships?

6 SOCIAL EVENTS One of the best ways for us to build relationships with the many different entities we encounter in Tau Beta Sigma is through social events.

7 Social Events for Individual Relationships

8 Within The Band The 5 th Purpose state we must: “Provide a meaningful and worthwhile social experience for all engaged in collegiate band work…” Cookouts, Dances, Providing snacks/watermelon/popsicles,Wal-Mart Runs, Band Camp Bonding, etc.

9 Within The Chapter Having social events for the chapter are perhaps the best ways to continue building relationships with each other. Social events, along with the rituals can be the strongest opportunities to build relationships and strengthen musicianship and service in the chapter.

10 Within the Chapter Charter Date Celebrations Monthly Birthday Parties Traveling Officer Retreats Secret Sister/Brother for holidays. Service Projects Fundraisers Sisterhood Retreats Alumni Picnic/banquets

11 With Membership Candidates Sister Interviews Sister Socials Candidate Meetings Service Projects FundraisersTravelingDLCSEDNationals Near By Chapters

12 Social Events for Chapter Relationships

13 Outside of the Chapter Some of the experiences you will have the opportunity to take advantage of for building relationships will take place outside of your chapter. These events, alone, will transform your experience in Tau Beta Sigma.

14 With Nearby Chapters With the exception of Eta Phi and Gamma Epsilon, every chapter has another chapter within 2 hours of them.

15 Within The District Travel Travel Travel!!! District Convention District Leadership Conference Colony Instillations District Take Overs Just Because

16 National Perspective National Convention Do you care about the future of Tau Beta Sigma? Then you need to go out of your way to be at National Convention. Make a difference and build relationships at the same time! Caucus’s Pool Time Dances

17 What is your perspective?

18 Tau Beta Sigma Social and You I want some of you to tell me your single most influential social experience that enabled you to build relationships with others and allowed you to grow as a member in Tau Beta Sigma.

19 Always remember….. Tau Beta Sigma for Greater Bands.

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