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 Maria is born in Katowice, Poland  Maria passed the University’s Abitur entrance exam.

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2  Maria is born in Katowice, Poland

3  Maria passed the University’s Abitur entrance exam.

4 Achieved the PhD from the University of Gottingen.

5  Maria Goeppert married Dr. Joseph Edward Mayer

6  Goeppert-Mayer worked out the theory of possible two-photon absorption by atoms

7  Worked in volunteer position in Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland

8  Columbia University

9  Goeppert was offered a job as Senior Physicist in the Theoretical Physics Division at the Argonne National Laboratory

10  Elementary Theory of Nuclear Shell Structure, Jensen and Goeppert’s book got published.

11  Maria Goeppert Mayer accepted a full professorship at the University of California.

12  She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics

13  Maria Goeppert Mayer suffered a stroke and died in San Diego, California.

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