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Do Now 3/16/11 Take out HW from Monday. Take out HW from Monday.  “What’s in Your Bedroom?” activity Copy HW in your planner. Copy HW in your planner.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 3/16/11 Take out HW from Monday. Take out HW from Monday.  “What’s in Your Bedroom?” activity Copy HW in your planner. Copy HW in your planner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 3/16/11 Take out HW from Monday. Take out HW from Monday.  “What’s in Your Bedroom?” activity Copy HW in your planner. Copy HW in your planner.  Textbook page 309, #7-11 all, 17 & 18

2 Objective SWBAT find the probability of an event.

3 Experimental probability- performing an experiment and testing data. Section 6.7 “Probability and Odds” Theoretical probability- Theoretical probability- mathematically tells you how likely it is that an event will happen.

4 Outcome Event an outcome or collection of outcomes the possible results of an experiment

5 “Odds”Odds the ratio of the number of outcomes to outcomes. Odds in favor = # of favorable outcomes : # of unfavorable outcomes Odds against = # of unfavorable outcomes : # of favorable outcomes MATHEMATICAL Each letter of the word above is written on a separate piece of paper and placed in a hat. A letter is chosen at random from the hat. What are the odds in favor of choosing a consonant? What are the odds against choosing a ‘M, A, T, or H’? 7 : 5 4 : 8 1 : 2

6 “Experimental Probability” Draw the following circle chart on your paper. Shade in the blue areas on your chart with your pencil. Using your pencil and a paperclip spin your spinner 8 times. Record the number of times where the spinner stopped. Do your experimental outcomes match the theoretical outcomes? Why or why not?

7 “Probability of an Event”

8 “Theoretical Probability” A probability is always written as a ratio or fraction Total number of regions RED Number of RED regions How many are RED? How many denominations is the whole broken up into? What is the probability (your chances) of landing the spinner on a RED region? How about a BLUE region?

9 The probability of something occurring is always between 0 and 1. The probability of something occurring is always between 0 and 1. “Interpreting Probabilities” 0 1 0.5 Impossible Certain to occur Unlikely to occur Likely Likely to occur 0.250.75 Occurs ½ the time

10 Suppose you are rolling a two 6-sided number cubes and finding the sum of the rolls. Suppose you are rolling a two 6-sided number cubes and finding the sum of the rolls. What is the probability that you will roll a 7? What is the probability that you will roll a prime number? a composite number? 1234561234567 2345678 3456789 45678910 567891011 6789101112 “Roll the Dice”

11 NJASK7 Prep Homework  Textbook page 309, #7-11 ALL and 17 & 18

12 12345678910 123456789 11 23456789101112 345678910111213 4567891011121314 56789101112131415 678910111213141516 7891011121314151617 89101112131415161718 910111213141516171819 1011121314151617181920

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