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Special Instructions for IRIS Budget Calculation: Helping People with a LTCFS Completed Prior to July 14, 2008 July 17, 2008 By Gail Propsom Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Instructions for IRIS Budget Calculation: Helping People with a LTCFS Completed Prior to July 14, 2008 July 17, 2008 By Gail Propsom Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Instructions for IRIS Budget Calculation: Helping People with a LTCFS Completed Prior to July 14, 2008 July 17, 2008 By Gail Propsom Department of Health Services Division of Long Term Care

2 2 Why do I have to recalculate? If a person has had a Long Term Care Functional Screen on or after July 14, 2008, the IRIS budget will already have been calculated—see slides 11-12. Persons with a most recent screen prior to July 14 must have eligibility recalculated in order for the IRIS budget to calculate. Begin the process by selecting “Edit.”

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4 4 Editing the LTCFS - Step 1 Select the “Screen Information” page from the left hand menu bar.

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6 6 Editing the LTCFS - Step 2 On the “Screen Information” page change the referral source to “Other.” In the text box that appears, enter the phrase “SDS interest.” The next two slides illustrate this process.

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9 9 Editing the LTCFS - Step 3 Choose the “Eligibility” page from the left hand menu bar and calculate eligibility.

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11 11 Finding the Results If a person is eligible for the SDS waiver, an indicator of “yes” will appear as shown on the next slide. The budget amount will be generated by selecting the “SDS Budget” report found on the left hand menu bar. Selecting this report will create a PDF file that can easily be printed.

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14 14 PPS When a person has asked for a referral to IRIS, the ADRC makes that referral in the Program Participation System. Access to that system in on the bottom of the “Eligibility Results” screen.

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16 16 PPS Separate security access to PPS is needed. You will be asked to log in to PPS before you can work in that system.

17 17 Requires a new ID and Password

18 18 PPS The participant information that was entered on the LTCFS will already be in PPS. To add a referral, click the “add” button as shown. On the “SDS Participation Details” page, enter the referral date.

19 19 Information fills from LTCFS

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21 21 PPS A history of referral and other participation information will be shown in the SDS Participation Information section of the “Individual Summary” page.

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23 23 For training on the Program Participation System, please view the PPS – SDS Enrollment webcast at:

24 24 ICA Access to the LTCFS The Independent Consultant Agency will need read access to the LTCFS in order to assist the participant. Initially ADRCs should fax a paper copy of the LTCFS to the ICA at (608) 255-0898.

25 25 ICA Access to the LTCFS On August 25, ADRCs can grant read access to the LTCFS of a person requesting an IRIS referral by going to the “Screen Information” page. At the bottom of that page, there is an “HCB Waiver Group” drop-down box. IRIS will be added as a choice. Selecting IRIS will grant access to the ICA.

26 26 IRIS will be added

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